What is the normal glucose in a pregnant woman?

Throughout pregnancy, various medical tests and blood tests are carried out in order to control the good course of pregnancy, and control the different disorders or problems that may arise along the same. One of them is the gestational diabetes, which consists of a type of transient diabetes that usually appears especially during the second or third trimester of pregnancy.

It is a type of diabetes very similar to type II diabetes, since it usually occurs in future mothers with an age greater than or equal to 35 years, and with a body mass index (BMI) greater than or equal to 30 (ie , with obesity), especially if there is a history in the family.

In fact, as many experts think, in fact the diabetes that occurs in pregnancy is a type of transient type II diabetes during pregnancy. Even It is estimated that future mothers who have had it in pregnancy have a tendency to have type II diabetes later in life.

For the diagnosis of the possible existence of gestational diabetes, the way to control blood glucose levels during pregnancy is known as sugar test, although his concrete medical name is that of O'Sullivan test

It is extremely simple to perform, and is divided into 3 steps: at first a first blood draw is carried out, measuring the blood glucose level. Then the pregnant woman has to ingest a liquid with a high content of sugar (50 grams of sugar), dissolved in water. One hour later blood is drawn again; in this way the glucose level is measured for the last time.

Regarding the normal blood glucose values ​​during pregnancy, and more specifically during the sugar test in pregnancy, is considered a normal result when the blood glucose test has a blood sugar level equal to or less than 140 mg / dL(7.8 mmol / L) 1 hour after taking the glucose solution.

What happens if the value of glucose in pregnancy is high?

If the value of glucose is equal to or less than 140 mg / dL, it means that the pregnant woman does NOT have gestational diabetes. But if this figure is higher, the next step is to perform an oral glucose tolerance test. Thus, for example, we have abnormal values ​​if, for an oral glucose tolerance test of 100 grams in 3 hours, blood glucose values ​​are found:

  • Fasting values: greater than 95 mg / dL (5.3 mmol / L).
  • 1 hour: greater than 180 mg / dL (10.0 mmol / L).
  • 2 hours: greater than 155 mg / dL (8.6 mmol / L).
  • 3 hours: greater than 140 mg / dL (7.8 mmol / L).

In case of finding that the expectant mother has gestational diabetes, a better control of blood glucose will be carried out from the diagnosis, especially from time to time. It is common for your tocologist, gynecologist or midwife to advise you to follow a more adequate diet and practice physical exercise.

In the majority of the occasions, with the exercise and the diet it is possible to regulate the levels of glucose, so that it will not suppose any danger neither for the future mother nor for the baby. This article is published for informational purposes only. It can not and should not replace the consultation with a Physician. We advise you to consult your Trusted Doctor. ThemesDiabetes First trimester pregnancy

My Glucose Screening- Checking for Gestational Diabetes In Pregnancy (December 2024)