Why I have stomach acidity: what are its causes

The heartburn It happens when the esophageal sphincter inside (valve of our body that tends to keep stomach acids in the stomach), relaxes and does not work correctly. At this time, the gases tend to burst into the esophagus, irritating and even injuring the walls, favoring the appearance of the annoying sensation of acidity. its healing it is simple when its causes can be easily treated; however, it is not always possible.

Also known by the name of heartburnWhen it appears his symptoms usually notice quickly, becoming a nuisance that in most cases ends by not going unnoticed: burning sensation that goes from the stomach to the throat, pain in the chest that starts in the sternum and moves towards the throat, feeling that the food returns to the mouth, acid or bitter taste in the back of the throat ... These discomfort, especially pain, tend to increase when we bend over or lie down.

Many people suffer from heartburn every day, some occasionally (either because they have eaten certain foods or foods that cause it), or chronically in the presence of certain diseases or digestive disorders.

If you suffer from heartburn in these precise moments, suffer from time to time, or even have it for a long time, a useful option - in addition to see your doctor - is to discover what are its main causes, and especially why You suffer from heartburn.

Main causes of heartburn

1. Eating too much and too much

There's no doubt One of the best habits to take care of the digestive system and have a good digestion is to eat small amounts of food. And is that as we saw in a previous article in which we talked about digestive infusions after heavy meals, instead of putting a large plate full of food to overflow, you can go 'practicing' and try to put small amounts, for example half of the plate (and not fill it at all).

This way you will allow your digestive system to send the signals of satiety that your brain needs to know that you are already satisfied and that you are no longer hungry. Taking into account that the brain needs at least 20 minutes for it, it is also important eat slowly and slowly.

If you eat too much you will fill your stomach's capacities, so that you increase the risk of an 'opening' in the lower esophageal sphincter, which will cause the appearance of acidity, since the stomach will in turn produce more gastric acid than normal.

2. Eat fast

We can say that this section has a direct relationship with the previous section, since if we eat quickly we tend to eat too much and therefore excessively.

If we eat fast we do not give our brain time to receive the different hormones that indicate that our digestive system is satiated. Therefore, one of the main consequences is that we tend to eat more. Further, when eating fast we do not chew food well, so our digestion tends to suffer. The result is evident: the appearance of heavy digestion or indigestion, accompanied in many cases by heartburn and gas.

3. Certain foods, foods and beverages

Not only the way we eat influence the appearance of heartburn. It also affects what we eat, given that there are certain dishes or foods that tend to cause heartburn.

We can mention, for example, the fat, spicy and spicy foods, in addition to fruits like citrus, chocolate or sweets. We can also name certain beverages, such as drinks with gas, coffee and black tea.

4. Unhealthy habits: smoking or drinking alcohol

Did you know that both the alcohol and the nicotine in tobacco can negatively influence your overall health, and your digestive health in particular, and be a cause of heartburn? They cause the muscle that separates the esophagus of the stomach to relax, so that acidic gastric juices reach the esophagus.

5. Pregnancy

Obviously, we have a positive or more beneficial cause, since being pregnant has nothing to do with the causes mentioned above. However, it is a cause of heartburn.

In fact, more than half of pregnant women suffer from heartburn and heartburn at some time during their pregnancy. Must be to the action of hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy, since the protective constrictor muscle located between the stomach and the esophagus relaxes.

On the other hand, when the pregnancy advances the uterus gets bigger and bigger, pressing the stomach. Therefore, in the end the esophageal sphincter is not able to prevent acid gastric juices from passing into the esophagus.

6. Certain diseases and digestive disorders

There are some digestive diseases that are a direct or indirect cause of the onset of heartburn. We can mention the following:

  • Gastritis, which is characterized as the Irritation of the gastric mucosa.
  • Emotional gastritis, it is a type of gastritis caused by emotional tensions, stress, nervousness and anxiety.
  • Gastroesophageal reflux disease, in which the gastric juices reflux in a pathological way from the stomach to the esophagus.

7. Consumption of certain drugs

The consumption of certain medications, especially for long periods of time, can have a negative influence on the appearance of heartburn. Basically we can mention the following drugs:

  • Calcium channel blockers for the treatment of high blood pressure.
  • Dopamine for the treatment of Parkinson's.
  • Progestogen, used as a contraceptive or for excessive or abnormal menstrual bleeding.
  • Sedatives for the treatment of anxiety.
  • Sedatives for the treatment of insomnia.
  • Theophylline, for the treatment of certain lung diseases such as asthma.
  • Beta blockers, for the treatment of heart disease or high blood pressure.

As we see, in fact there are several causes that can cause the appearance of gastric acidity. Therefore, when the acidity appears every so often, or every day, it is essential to go to the doctor, who will investigate the cause and can prescribe the most appropriate medical treatment. This article is published for informational purposes only. It can not and should not replace the consultation with a Physician. We advise you to consult your Trusted Doctor. ThemesDiseases of the digestive system

Heartburn, Acid Reflux, GERD-Mayo Clinic (April 2024)