Why it is not good to take orange juice in an empty stomach

There is no doubt that orange juice becomes one of the quintessential drinks in the breakfast of many Spaniards, especially when we are in full season (that is, from November to June). Some accompany it with a good coffee -which can become a real time bomb for our intestines-, and others simply take it alone, along with toast with butter and jam.

Starting from a previous occasion in which we commented that it is better to eat whole oranges instead of juice, many nutritionists have long defended the advantages of consuming whole fruits over ingesting them in the form of juice.

The reasons, as we have already seen (and that we recommend you to know by reading the note cited in the previous lines, especially if you tend to consume orange juice very often), have to do fundamentally with: the contribution of fiber that is much smaller - almost null-, the absorption of their sugars will be absorbed more quickly, the amount of food eaten will be much higher.

But the juice of oranges also has a contraindication even if it is more important, and that is related to the habit of many Spaniards: did you know that it is not so appropriate to take it on an empty stomach, as you probably have done at some time ?. We explain why.

The main contraindications of orange juice (or why it is not appropriate to take it on an empty stomach)

Depending on the fruit we consume, it is true that some have a greater effect on our digestive system than others. Thus, for example, while some have a choleretic effect and increase the secretion of bile by fluidizing it, others have an obviously opposite cholagogue effect; that is, they tend to stimulate the emptying of the gallbladder.

In the case of both oranges as of obviously the orange juice taken on an empty stomach, tends to cause this same effect. That is to say, can cause a sudden emptying of the gallbladder, which can be accompanied by relatively annoying symptoms such as Stomach upset, swelling, abdominal heaviness and nausea.

For this reason there are also many people who fear to consume the juice of oranges fasting, and avoid it, although this type of discomfort is not serious and is actually the result of a truly beneficial action for our body.

However, as we will see below, the consumption of orange juice in case of cholelithiasis is not recommended, since there is a risk that it will trigger a painful colic.

It is not suitable in case of cholelithiasis

Although medically it is known by the name of cholelithiasis, is popularly known by many people with the denomination of gallstones(or just stones in the gallbladder).

Their causes are in fact varied, although in most of the occasions it is due to the excessive consumption of fats. But it is not the only one: it can also arise as a result of overweight and sedentary lifestyle, diabetes, cirrhosis of the liver, infections of the bile ducts and being a woman (since they have more possibilities than men).

In the case of suffering from cholelithiasis or having suffered it at some previous time, it is not advisable to consume citrus fruits in an empty stomach, let alone its juice. That is to say, on an empty stomach, since to cause an emptying of the gallbladder may end up triggering a painful colic.

In addition, we must not forget that citric acid acts as an acidifier, being a precursor of urinary oxalates. This article is published for informational purposes only. You can not and should not replace the consultation with a Nutritionist. We advise you to consult your trusted Nutritionist.

20 Foods to Eat And Avoid on an Empty Stomach (April 2024)