Why mosquito bites bite?

The truth is that we are faced with an insect that usually becomes the terror of summer. It is the custom to bite us to feed on our blood, and usually tends to bite especially between dusk and dawn, as well as being attracted by sweet smells, light and humid and warm environments. Indeed, we are talking about the mosquito.

It becomes an 'enemy' of summer evenings, which usually accompanies us when we sit on the terrace of our apartment to enjoy the sunset after a day at the beach or pool.

Surely throughout your life you have been bitten by more than one mosquito. And surely you will have verified for yourself how they bother when they spend just a few minutes.

The reason for why mosquito bites hurt and itch it's simpler than it seems: to draw the blood of its victims much easier, mosquitoes have a protein with anticoagulant properties in their saliva, which enter our bloodstream at the time of the bite.

This protein is able to prevent the platelets form a clot, so that the mosquito makes blood flow easily while they bite and eat it.

At this time our immune system recognizes these proteins as foreign, releasing histamine. For this reason the area surrounding the mosquito bite tends to swell, redden and generate that annoying heat and the typical itching. That is, the sting generates a mild allergic reaction but that is not produced by the own sting, but by the saliva that the mosquito injects in the sanguineous torrent.

How to act from the moment you get bitten by a mosquito

As soon as the mosquito has bitten you, we recommend you follow the following basic steps:

  1. Wash the area of ​​the sting: with the help of soap and water. In this way you will get rid of the mosquito saliva that still remains on your skin, and you will help the bite not get infected.
  2. Apply some ice: It is useful to control both pain and inflammation.
  3. Use an ointment with calamine: after applying the ice. It will help relieve itching. You can also choose to use some other cream indicated against mosquito bites.

Tips to relieve the annoying itching of mosquitoes

In addition to the recommendations that we propose in the article I was bitten by a mosquito! What to do ?, there are other simple and useful tips that can be of great help when it comes to relieving the bite of mosquitoes:

  • Sodium bicarbonate: helps relieve pain and itching. To make this remedy you only need to add a little water and baking soda in a saucepan enough to form a paste. Then apply it on the sting.
  • AspirinAlthough it may seem strange, the fact is that aspirin applied topically can help relieve pain. Grind an aspirin and add a little water to make a paste.

And of course ... avoid scratching! Since you will only get a much greater irritation. In addition, scars and scabs may form.

Images | sookie / Joshua Ganderson

How to Treat a Mosquito Bite (March 2024)