5 ways to have more self-esteem
Self-esteem is like the wind for a sailing ship, whether it's a favorable wind, for those who have high self-esteem, or wind against, for those who have a low self-esteem.
But nevertheless Self-esteem is not something that "you have" or "you do not have", and that we have received -or not- in the distribution of personalities. On the contrary, it is a quality of character that can be developed. Here we will tell you some very simple tips to increase your self-esteem.
Our head can be one of our great enemies, when negative thoughts about oneself begin to sprout, always putting the accent on our defects, difficulties or failures. We should not always believe these voices that devalue us -not from within, nor from outside- of course.
At least we can question those ideas that hurt our self-esteem. How many times have we thought "I do not serve at all"? Well maybe we should try to reformulate this by adding a few simple question marks: - "I do not serve for anything?", You will see that you will realize that you are worth a lot.
If thoughts about your faults appear permanently, you have to try to give rise to those positive aspects that counteract them. You can even take note of them, maybe one a day, and why not put small posters somewhere that you often look like the bathroom mirror, next to the bed or on your desk.
5 Useful tips to increase your self-esteem
Adjust your expectations
The way we approach those things that happen to us may also be responsible for our low self-esteem. If we constantly self-demand perfection or set unattainable goals, we will often feel failing.
Instead, aim for achievable achievements that you can progressively overcome, each one will be a victory, and reinforce your self-perception. Learn also to accept your mistakes, and to capitalize them as learning opportunities.
Allow yourself to enjoy
Strengthen your self-esteem by doing activities that you enjoy and where you feel comfortable, and do not stop trying new challenges and prove to yourself that you can always go for more. Do not depend on the opinion or approval of others, if something is your passion and makes you happy, allow yourself to do so.
Give proof of your value
Collaborating in a social activity can be very helpful. Your contribution can be for another of great importance, and not only do good to another person, you will also receive your thanks and you will know how important you can be in the eyes of another.
Exercise and repair
Exercise is fundamental and will provide multiple benefits, but it should be something enjoyable and not that, on the contrary, it is too difficult (and, therefore, frustrating). With physical activity you will renew your energies, enhancing your possibilities to face other activities. Exercising decreases our stress and allows us to improve our health.
You will also see how slowly your appearance improves, which helps to improve self-esteem, (although of course it is not only this, since also people in excellent physical condition can have low self-esteem). Do not forget to fix yourself, even if you do not plan to leave the house, looking good in the mirror is a way of pampering yourself, while looking careless only rekindles thoughts of low self-esteem.
Remember, self-esteem is also a muscle that can be exercised and a better consideration of yourself is the engine for many improvements in your life. This article is published for informational purposes only. It can not and should not replace the consultation with a Psychologist. We advise you to consult your trusted Psychologist.