Horse mackerel: benefits and properties

The mackerel It is one of those fish that is well known in many towns in Spain, not only because delicious recipes and typical dishes are made with it, but also because different sport fishing contests have been practiced for years.

It is popularly known by the name of chicharro, pork rind, chicharrilla or horse mackerel black. It belongs to the family of the Carangida, and although there are different species one of the highest quality - and most revered in short - is the common horse mackerel.

Unlike the halibut (in which its best season is practically the whole year), the best months of season of the horse mackerel goes between the months of April to October, although it is also true that we can find it throughout the year in fishmongers and markets.

Nutritional properties of horse mackerel

The horse mackerel is a blue fish, which means that we have a fatty fish (100 grams provide about 7 grams of fat and a total of 127 calories), but most of this fat corresponds to omega-3 fatty acids.

It is a fish rich in proteins of good quality (also known as proteins of high biological value), in addition to an interesting amount of vitamins and minerals.

Among these vitamins we can highlight vitamins of group B, vitamin A and D. Among its mineral content, it contributes especially iron, magnesium and iodine.


125 kcal


15.7 g


0.1 g

Total fat

6.8 g



Vitamin A

36 mcg


1 mg

Vitamin B1

0,09 mg


31 mg

Vitamin B2

0.3 mg


10 mg

Vitamin B3

9 mg

B12 vitamin

10 mcg

Vitamin D

16 mcg

Benefits of horse mackerel

First of all when talking about the different horse mackerel benefits is to emphasize that we are faced with a delicious blue fish, which translates into a food extremely rich in omega 3 fatty acids.

As you probably know, these fatty acids help to take care of our cardiovascular system, since they reduce high levels of cholesterol and triglycerides, while preventing cardiovascular or degenerative diseases.

Regarding its content in vitamins, vitamin D is an essential nutrient that favors the absorption of calcium, so that together with foods rich in this vitamin, it is also recommended to consume foods with a high calcium content, essential for bones. and teeth. On the other hand, vitamin A is essential to improve vision, in the production of sex hormones and promote resistance to infections.

Regarding its mineral content, we can highlight the iodine to be essential for the proper functioning of the thyroid gland; it also provides iron, necessary for the formation of hemoglobin and in the prevention of iron-deficiency anemia; and magnesium, useful in the proper functioning of the nerves and muscles.

Images | jonquark / psd This article is published for informational purposes only. You can not and should not replace the consultation with a Nutritionist. We advise you to consult your trusted Nutritionist.

Foods Rich In Potassium - Mackerel (April 2024)