How to make a fennel tea: recipe, benefits and contraindications

Among those plants and medicinal herbs recognized for their beneficial action when it comes to soothing gas and flatulence, decreasing the cramps caused by them and acting in turn as an excellent digestive, it is likely that the fennel  is placed precisely in a good position, in the same way that in this sense do other equally popular plants for these same properties, as for example is the case of the chamomile.

It is a plant belonging to the Umbelliferae family, of the genus Foeniculum and known scientifically with the name Foeniculum Vulgare. We find it widely distributed throughout the temperate zones of almost the entire world, although it is true that it is mostly native to the coast of the Mediterranean Sea where it is common to grow in the wild.

It is popularly known for its use not only in folk medicine or natural (for the properties that we will know in a nearby section), but also in the kitchen, where its bulb is usually consumed for example prepared in the oven (it is delicious baked in the oven with cheese and chopped pine nuts). However, from a more medicinal point of view, the fennel seeds, used in the elaboration of the traditional fennel medicinal tea.

The benefits of fennel tea

Excellent against gas and flatulence

Who has not suffered from annoying and uncomfortable gas at some time? But we must differentiate between gas and flatulence. And that is that while the gases consist of the air present in the intestine and that exits through the rectum, Flatulence actually consists of distension of the stomach or intestines as a consequence of said gas accumulation.

The gases can have a gastric origin (which are expelled from the body by belching), or an intestinal origin (expelled through the anal canal, through the rectum). Be that as it may, they become a very annoying and uncomfortable problem, as it causes the appearance of abdominal swelling, cramping and discomfort.

Fennel tea is a popular remedy very useful in calming the flatulence and colic caused by these. Among other aspects, it helps to expel gases more easily, a quality that translates into reducing swelling and decreasing the swollen belly.

Stimulant of digestion

Fennel tea is a wonderful stimulant of the digestive system, acting in a very positive way when stimulating digestion, so it is very useful in case of slow, heavy or difficult digestion.

On the other hand, It becomes an adequate remedy to relieve the feeling of fullness, caused especially when we eat in excess and therefore large amounts of food.

Soothing effect of cough and bronchitis

Although it is a lesser-known quality, did you know that the fennel acts as a natural painkiller in case of bronchitis and cough? Therefore fennel tea is very useful during the months of autumn and winter, in which influenza, colds and other respiratory diseases increase considerably.

It is believed to stimulate the production of breast milk

There's no doubt breast milk is the best food a baby could take during its first year of life. Popular belief indicates that fennel tea helps stimulate milk secretion in nursing mothers, and in fact many mothers who have tried it so attest.

However, there is no scientific evidence to increase milk production, since it exerts an estrogenic effect that would actually decrease milk production.

How to prepare fennel tea

The preparation of fennel tea is extremely easy and simple. Here we explain the ingredients you need and the steps to follow:

  • Ingredients needed: 2 teaspoons of fennel seeds, 1 cup of water
  • Preparation: First put the fennel seeds in a mortar and mash them a bit. Then put the water in a saucepan and put to the fire until it boils. When you reach this point turn off the heat, add the fennel seeds lightly crushed, cover and let stand for 10 minutes. Finally sneak and drink.
  • How many cups to take per day and when?: It is preferable to have a cup of fennel tea half an hour before meals. On the other hand, you can take 3 cups of this tea a day.

Fennel tea contraindications

Like any drink with medicinal action, fennel tea has a series of contraindications that must always be taken into account before consumption. The most important are the following:

  • Breast cancer: its use is not recommended in women who have had breast cancer, since fennel increases the production of estrogen in the body, which may predispose to the appearance of new tumors.
  • Hyperthyroidism: fennel tea has a very high content of iodine, so it is a drink not recommended for people with an increase in the functional activity of the thyroid gland and an excess of secretion of thyroid hormones.
  • Allergies: Fennel tea is not advisable in people with allergies to fennel.

As we see, fennel tea is a healthy drink and advised in certain conditions and conditions, as long as its consumption is normal and never excessive. ThemesTea

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