Human coronavirus: what it is, symptoms and infection

As reported by the World Health Organization, the new coronavirus could be contagious, through a note that has warned about the importance of urgent actions to increase levels of surveillance with respect to this new infection, and the awareness of the population.

What is the human coronavirus?

The truth is that we are faced with a common virus worldwide, which usually tends to cause colds, although it can also cause more serious diseases such as Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS).

That is, we are faced with common viruses that, at some time in their lives, most people contract, causing diseases ranging from mild to moderate upper respiratory tract.

What is the new coronavirus?

In the words of the WHO itself, we seem to be faced with a peculiar strain, which previously had not been identified in the human being.

However, few cases have been reported so far, there being no clear information about its severity, clinical repercussions and transmission.

However, at least for the moment this new strain has caused 18 deaths in the Middle East and Europe.

Symptoms of coronavirus

In relation to the symptoms of the coronavirus, these depend mainly on the seriousness that the virus causes in the infected person, since although it is true that in some cases it causes a mild cold, in others it can be accompanied by Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome.

As a general rule, your symptoms may be:

  • Mild throat pain
  • Cough
  • Headache
  • Shaking chills
  • Fever not very high
  • General discomfort
  • Runny nose
  • In rare cases it can cause encephalitis (inflammation of the brain).

As we can see, the symptoms caused by the coronavirus tend to be similar to those caused by the rhinovirus.

In addition, the majority of deaths reported today were due to the existence of acute pneumonia associated with renal failure.

Recommendations in the prevention of human coronavirus

At the moment there is not much information when it comes to how to prevent the spread of human coronavirus.

The health authorities have indicated that there is a possibility of infection between humans, but only with prolonged contact with the person already infected. Therefore, until medical treatment is not effective, it may be recommended to avoid all contact with patients with human coronavirus without adequate safety measures.

Latest news: the new coronavirus could be contagious

After the first cases emerged in the Middle East in 2012, and after causing the death of 18 people since the outbreak began, the World Health Organization (WHO) has warned that the new coronavirus could be transmitted between humans by prolonged contact.

Regarding its origin, little is known at the moment, although it is known that, in many of those affected, it can present in different ways, since in some it has caused severe pneumonia, while in others only a mild cold.

As stated by the WHO itself, the most worrying thing is that this virus can spread among people, so it is necessary to take urgent action to increase levels of surveillance of the infection on the one hand, and awareness of the population, for another.

18 deaths and two infected in France

Since the first cases of coronavirus emerged in the Middle East last year 2012, according to the WHO has killed at least 18 people in the Middle East and Europe.

Yesterday the French authorities announced the confirmation of a second case of the coronavirus. On this occasion, it seems that the second patient had shared a room with the first, thus confirming the possibility that it could be transmitted between humans.

Image | Wikimedia This article is published for informational purposes only. It can not and should not replace the consultation with a Physician. We advise you to consult your Trusted Doctor. ThemesInfections

coronavirus symptoms (December 2024)