Bonito: benefits and properties

The beautiful is a fish that belongs to the family of the Escómbridos (specifically to the genus Sarda), being necessary to differentiate between two types: the southern bonito (known by the name of pretty Atlantic or nice common) and the bonito of the north (which is known by the name of white tuna).

It is not possible to find it throughout the year, so that to enjoy its highest quality and excellence it is only recommended to enjoy it during the summer season, finding it in fishmongers of our country especially during the months of May to October.

It is a blue fish, noted for its content of omega-3 fatty acids, a type of healthy fat that among other aspects helps to lower high cholesterol levels, and prevent heart disease and joint diseases.

Nutritional properties of bonito

From a nutritional point of view, and given that the bonito is a blue fish, it stands out from the start as a food especially rich in healthy fats (specifically in omega-3 fatty acids).

It also provides interesting amounts of B vitamins (such as vitamin B2, B3, B9 and B12), as well as vitamins A and D; and minerals such as potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron and iodine.

In addition to its content in healthy fats we must also highlight the presence in interesting quantities of proteins of high biological value.


139 kcal


21 g


0.1 g

Total fat

6 g



Vitamin A

40 mcg


1 mg

Vitamin B2

0.2 mg


215 mg

Vitamin B3

17 mg


28 mg

Vitamin B9

15 mcg


318 mg

B12 vitamin

5 mcg


10 mg

Vitamin D

20 mg

Benefits of the bonito

The bonito is a blue fish recommended in diets to prevent cardiovascular diseases, thanks to its content of omega-3 fatty acids helps reduce both cholesterol and triglyceride levels. In addition, it helps the blood to be more fluid and prevents the formation of thrombi and clots.

It is interesting the consumption of bonito along with foods rich in calcium, since its content in vitamin D helps to improve its absorption. While vitamin A is essential for the health of vision, and improve resistance to infections.

Among its mineral content we can highlight the presence of iodine, fundamental in the proper functioning of the thyroid gland, while magnesium helps in the better functioning of the muscles, nerves and intestines.

Images | jlastras / Wikimedia This article is published for informational purposes only. You can not and should not replace the consultation with a Nutritionist. We advise you to consult your trusted Nutritionist. ThemesFish

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