How to choose a good Iberian and Serrano ham

The Ham It has become an essential food product within the so-called Mediterranean diet, and an authentic sign of identity of our country, which has a very great tradition in its production.

Although it is possible to enjoy it throughout the year (and eat it, for example, in tapas with olives or in sandwiches with olive oil and tomato), the truth is that it is during Christmas when its consumption increases considerably.

Depending not only on the breed of the animal, but also on its diet, we can find different varieties of ham, an issue that we analyzed in a previous note dedicated to the Differences between Iberian ham and Serrano ham.

Their differences are above all organoleptic, highlighting the Iberian ham for its intense and fragrant aroma, delicate flavor that tends to last longer on the palate, and a light touch to acorn. The white ham, however, has a little intense flavor, much more salty and little durability on the palate.

Be that as it may, whether you are buying an Iberian ham or a white ham, the best is Know how to choose a good ham. Take good note.

How to choose a good Iberian ham

  • Weight: the most advisable thing is that the weight of the Iberian ham is between 6 and 8 kgs.
  • Healing time: it must be from 20 to 28 months.
  • Certification: must be certified by the corresponding Denomination.
  • Color of the piece: yellowish, indicative of the indicative processes during its maturation.
  • To Rome: it must be volatile and intense.
  • Marbled: the fat must not be separated from the meat (must be infiltrated in it).

How to choose a good serrano ham

  • Label: the label "Serrano ham" must appear on the label.
  • Healing time: higher than 7 months
  • Colour: there must be homogeneity both on its surface and on the color, with no cracks or grooves (which indicates some resection). The color of the fat should be yellowish white.

We leave you below with an explanatory video that will surely help you choose your Serrano ham:

Image | jbolles This article is published for informational purposes only. You can not and should not replace the consultation with a Nutritionist. We advise you to consult your trusted Nutritionist.

All about Spain's famous Iberico Ham (the king of Spanish food)! (March 2024)