How to reduce inflammation of the colon naturally

With the medical name of colitis the medical condition consisting of the swelling or inflammation of the colon, a part of the large intestine that you will probably know is between the ileum and the rectum, and consists of a total of four sections (ascending colon, transverse colon, descending colon and sigmoid colon). In what refers to the large intestine is an organ that tends to measure between 1 to 1.5 meters in length and can reach 6.5 centimeters in diameter.

The truth is that in reality the inflamed colon it is characterized rather by being a common symptom in certain conditions or diseases, which tend to affect the large intestine directly or indirectly. Among its most common causes we can mention the following: the presence of polyps that at first are benign but can become cancerous, the presence of ulcers, the formation of small sacs -diverticles- that become inflamed or infected, colon syndrome or Irritable bowel and the formation of tumors located mostly in the lining of the large intestine.

What symptoms does inflammation of the colon tend to produce? In the majority of the occasions they are usually diverse and unclear signs, since in fact we are before symptoms that can arise in other affections or symptoms. However, the most common is that abdominal pain appears, it is common to have the feeling of having a full or bloated abdomen (distension), diarrhea may occur or bloody stools appear, and it is also common to have constant urge to go to the bathroom.

In addition to finding the cause that caused the swelling or inflammation of the colon, to prescribe and administer the most appropriate medical treatment that can help reduce inflammation, it is also possible from a natural point of view reduce symptoms and reduce inflammation of the colon.

Dietary advice to keep in mind

From a dietary point of view it is possible to follow certain recommendations and advice that help in a very positive way when it comes to reducing or even eliminating swelling or inflammation of the colon.

Why? Fundamentally because there are even certain habits or foods that can influence the appearance or worsening of colitis. Basically, the following tips are recommended:

  • Eliminate irritants from your diet: there are certain foods that can irritate the colon. Highlights include caffeinated and alcoholic beverages. Spicy foods and spicy foods should also be eliminated.
  • Reduce fiber-rich foods: fiber is essential when it comes to maintaining good health of our intestines, since it helps eliminate waste that accumulates in them and also are very useful to prevent or treat constipation. But too much is counterproductive, especially when our colon is inflamed. One solution in this regard is to try to reduce fiber-rich foods until the symptoms improve, such as whole grains and raw vegetables.
  • Reduce dairy: the lactose present in most dairy products (especially those from the cow) can become a powerful enemy of our intestinal and digestive health, since it can become a difficult-to-digest sugar. It is advisable to reduce dairy products and replace them with vegetable drinks (such as rice, almond or oat milk).
  • Consume probioticsIn addition to avoiding the habits indicated above, probiotics stand out as ideal nutritional supplements in case of inflammation of the colon, since we manage to regenerate and enrich the beneficial bacteria present in our intestinal flora. Kefir or yogurt become two useful products in this sense, especially if they are goat (because its content in lactose is much less).

Turmeric tea

The turmeric It is a spice very commonly used in the preparation of the popular Indian curry, forming part of this delicious food product highlighting as a main ingredient. According to some scientific studies, Turmeric helps to improve the symptoms of colon inflammation in a completely natural way, but as long as it is not consumed in excess.

Therefore, one solution is to make a turmeric tea. Its preparation is very simple: put the equivalent of a cup of water in a saucepan and bring to a boil. When it starts to boil, remove from heat, add a teaspoon of turmeric, cover and let stand for 10 minutes. Finally sneak and drink.

Practice relaxation

Stress is considered as a condition that can activate or worsen symptoms related to colon inflammation, but as was thought until now, the truth is that it is not really a cause that causes the appearance of colitis.

Therefore, when we have already diagnosed colitis, it is best to try to reduce stress. How? The most important thing is to practice relaxation and meditation exercises, resting in turn better at night and trying to lead a life as calm as possible, away from the tensions and problems that make us nervous. This article is published for informational purposes only. It can not and should not replace the consultation with a Physician. We advise you to consult your Trusted Doctor. ThemesColon

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