Astringent recipes for diarrhea

The diarrhea Consists of the frequent bowel movement of loose or loose stools. It appears above all because the body is not able to absorb liquids, although it can also arise as a result of the digestive system producing additional fluids.

Taking into account that the feces contain the material that the digestive system discards after the absorption of nutrients (both food and liquids), when we are facing a diarrheic process these stools contain more water, salts and minerals than those more solid stools.

The main treatment is to follow a soft astringent diet, which basically is based on consuming foods that do not generate an excess of gastric acids, helping in a very positive way when it comes to soothing the digestive system, allowing it to regenerate while they are useful to control diarrhea.

Precisely to help you in this regard, below we offer you a simple compendium of astringent recipes that will help you cut diarrhea:

  • Water, lemon juice, salt and baking: add a pinch of sugar, a pinch of salt and a pinch of bicarbonate to a liter of water. Add lemon juice and drink during the day.
  • Rice water: boil 4 cups of water in a saucepan; when it comes to a boil, add half a cup of round, glutinous white rice, and simmer for 20 minutes. Finally you must strain the rice to drink the cooking water.
  • Lemon and grape juice: squeeze a lemon to get your juice, reserve. Then wash a handful of grapes well and liquefy them. Mix and add a pinch of salt. Drink throughout the day.
  • Egg white and lemon juice: split an egg in half and reserve its clear. Squeeze a lemon to get your juice and mix it with the egg white, beating well. You can take two to three teaspoons a day of this drink.
  • Roasted apples: remove the skin of the apples and let them cook over low heat until they are cooked well. Also consume it grated or in compote.
  • Mashed carrots and rice: wash well and peel four carrots. Put a pint of water in a saucepan, a cup of rice and boil with the four carrots. Let stand 20 minutes, to finally make puree.
  • Pears with cinnamon and lemon: in a saucepan, cook three pears without the skin, the juice of 1 lemon, 1 cinnamon stick and 200 cc of water. When the pears are soft, remove the cinnamon stick and make a compote.
  • Yogurt cream and pumpkin: in a saucepan place 6 slices of pumpkin. When they are cooked, remove the water, grind them and add the natural yogurt, forming a cream.
  • Infusion of mallow and lemon: an infusion made with 1 liter of water, 40 grams of leaves and flowers of mauve and a good trickle of lemon is useful to reduce and cut diarrhea. To make it, you must boil 1 liter of water, add the mauve and let it rest for a quarter of an hour; At the time of taking it, add the lemon trickle.

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