Consumption of medications in pregnancy. What you can take and what not

"Do not take this" or "do not take that" are some of the warnings that millions of pregnant women hear during the pregnancy process. The care you must have to take care of the baby must be very thorough.

However, not all medicines are contraindicated for future mothers, and in fact there are some drugs that, under medical supervision, can be consumed without compromising the health of the pregnant woman and her little one.

It is vital to understand that, although some medications can be consumed, self-medication can not be used. We must remember that each body is different and that everyone has specific needs.

Some carelessness with the components of the drug or with the dose that you decide to take can put in serious risk the life of the being that is about to be born and also the one of who takes it in his belly.

It is vital that the mother ask her doctor all the pertinent questions. Also, require him to recommend all the options he can take in case he suffers from a condition of "low caliber".

What can be taken

In the case of having some pain, analgesics with the most specific alternative. It is recommended, with discretion, the use of paracetamol in case of suffering pains or inflation with certain causes.

NSAIDs are prescribed only during the first trimester of pregnancy. And although it is not entirely harmful, it is better that you always opt for paracetamol because it acts locally.

If the problem is a nasal congestion, you can use any nasal decongestant because, like paracetamol, they act locally without affecting or compromising any other organ of the body.

However, prolonging its use for more than four days can be counterproductive and can cause a worse disease, such as a rhinitis of a medicinal nature. Even worse, you could have some rebound effect.

That is to say, that the mucosa of the nose adapts so much to the medication, that at times it will allow a cold to return in a more powerful way, and the virus will strengthen and become stronger.

If there are coughing fits, the pills are recommended above the syrups. If we are facing a cough that irritates the throat, then it also becomes a more ideal medication.

Cough pills, in addition to soothing the disease itself, would also be providing a soothing effect of the area, which, consequently, is transported in better flow of saliva and relief for the affected area.

Antacids that are made from aluminum or magnesium They are ideal for stomach problems associated with heartburn. Of course, it is recommended that those that come in a pill or chewable presentation be used.

What medications are not advisable in pregnancy

And as any indication has a contraindication, carefully review the medications you should not consume during pregnancy ...

Avoid anti-inflammatories such as ibuprofen, naproxen (one of the most popular is the antalgin) or Aspirin. It is known that all these drugs can significantly affect the blood flow of the fetus and prevents it from producing prostaglandins, responsible for the formation of blood vessels.

Nicotine patches are highly toxic to your baby's health. If you have the habit of smoking, try not to do it, let alone use this alternative. Although it is less harmful than cigarettes, it is equally deadly.

Antihypertensives are transformed into high enzyme inhibitors like angiotensin. Taking them during pregnancy will cause your baby to suffer considerable defects, especially at the level of the renal system.

The blood sugar controllers are lethal to the fetus. If this was your treatment for diabetes before getting pregnant, insulin should be your next step to controlling the disease. Your baby's nervous system could suffer irreparable damage.

The medicines that are used to regulate blood cholesterol are deadly for the baby that is brewing in the belly. These medications become defects in the trachea, esophagus, heart or anus of the fetus.

Cortisone is associated with a very common defect in fetuses, which is the cleft palate.

The consumption of oral contraceptives is associated with Down Syndrome, to malformations in the genital area of ​​the fetus and also in the urinary tract. When the woman is pregnant, they increase the risk of vaginal cancer. This article is published for informational purposes only. It can not and should not replace the consultation with a Physician. We advise you to consult your Trusted Doctor.

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