How to strengthen the abdomen with these exercises

The abdomen It tends to be one of the parts of the body that accumulates more fat, along with the hips, buttocks and buttocks. In fact, it is usually one of the places in our body in which many nutritionists tend to fix, especially because it is a clear indication of whether the person is overweight or obese, after having shown that the Body Mass Index ( IMC) is not usually as accurate as was thought until a while ago.

Therefore, when a person want to lose weight, usually one of the most common questions that tend to be asked is how to eliminate fat from the abdomen. A useful option is to practice abdominal exercises, which help strengthen the muscles of this area of ​​the body while losing weight by following -for example- a weight loss diet.

Precisely not only when it comes to eliminating fat from this area of ​​the body, but when it comes to strengthening the abdomen, a very good option is to follow a healthy lifestyle, along with a balanced diet and the practice of regular physical exercise ( preferably aerobic exercises).

In this sense, it is true that there are also specific exercises that help to eliminate the fat of the abdomen, as they are -for example- the so-called abdominal exercises, which tend to focus on the lower, upper and oblique.

The key? There is no doubt that to achieve the purpose of eliminating fat and strengthening the abdomen is constancy, as well as patience (a lot of patience), given that the regular practice of these exercises helps a lot daily.

Useful tips to get a strong abdomen

The best way is to opt for exercises that pursue the objective of strengthening this area, such as for example abdominal exercises, performed in batches, and practiced on alternate days (this way we will avoid muscle fatigue).

Abdominal exercises to strengthen the abdomen

First exercise

Place a blanket or mat on the floor so that when lying down you feel as comfortable as possible.

Sit on the mat, with your back straight and your legs straight. Without bending your head, bring your outstretched arms to touch the tips of your fingers. While exhaling the air when performing the contraction of the abdomen, and then inspires the air during rest.

You can make several repetitions, but without exceeding so you do not suffer laces in this delicate area.

Second exercise

This second exercise is popularly known by the name of climbing, and basically consists of placing yourself on the floor face down, on top of a comfortable mat, the same way you put yourself to do push-ups.

You just have to place yourself at a certain distance from the ground with the palms of your hands stuck to it, and try to raise your legs to the waist in the same way as if you climbed, first with one foot and then with the other, and so on until 20 repetitions. Then rest for 10 seconds and do it again until completing a total of 60 repetitions (20, 20, 20).

Third exercise

This third exercise is known by the name of abdomen in L, and it is quite probable that you have already practiced it at some other time. It consists of placing you on the floor, face up, in the same way you do to practice abdominals.

But this time you should elevate the legs leaving them together, and try to touch your ankles or calves raising the head and back of the floor.

Fourth exercise

This fourth exercise is known by the name of crunch, and is one of the most basic and popular that are made when it comes to getting a strong abdominal. That is, it is the classic abdominal exercise par excellence.

You just have to lie on your back on the mat, place your hands behind your neck holding it, and with your elbows open try to lie down and get up keeping your legs always flexed and feet stuck to the floor. It is important not to use force on the neck to avoid contractures. This article is published for informational purposes only. You can not and should not replace the consultation with a Nutritionist. We advise you to consult your trusted Nutritionist. ThemesExercise

Exercises for Better Health : Stretching for Abdominal Adhesions (April 2024)