Kidney beans: benefits and properties

The vegetables They belong to a group of indispensable foods within a balanced diet, thanks above all to the different benefits and nutritional properties they provide. And among the different legumes that we tend to consume in our diet, beans They stand out precisely because they are one of the most common (although, obviously, they are not the only ones).

Among these nutritional benefits are especially noted for its content in fiber, carbohydrates, proteins (we find lysine, an essential amino acid), vitamins (especially vitamins B) and minerals (especially iron), and also for its low fat content.

Therefore, many nutritionists and dieticians advise eating vegetables three times a week, highlighting as the main meal of the day. And in relation to what to combine legumes on the plate, good candidates are cereals (such as rice), which improve the protein quality of legumes.

What are the beans?

Although they have been baptized with this name, beans they are also popularly known with the names of beans, beans, beans or beans; and in turn with other not so popular names, such as mongotes or caraotes.

It is a product from Peru, where the Incas became their first growers. They were not introduced in Europe until the sixteenth century.

Benefits of beans

  • Nutritional wealth: beans are especially rich in proteins, vitamins (especially vitamins of group B), minerals (magnesium, potassium, calcium, iron and zinc), fiber and amino acids. They also stand out for their folic acid content, so their consumption is advised in pregnant women.
  • It helps regulate glucose: regular consumption of beans is recommended in people with diabetes, as they help delay and regulate the absorption of sugars in the body.
  • Ideal in low fat dietsThanks to its low fat content, and therefore caloric, beans are recommended in diets low in fat and thinning, by limiting both the accumulation and the formation of fats.
  • Useful against fluid retention: they provide an interesting diuretic effect, a benefit that translates into helping to prevent fluid retention.
  • Help eliminate toxinsIn addition to its diuretic benefit we must add a depurative virtue, which makes them ideal vegetables to help our body to eliminate the toxins it does not need.

Nutritional information for beans per 100 grams:


200 kcal.


0.9 g


37.5 g

Total fat

12 g


15 g





Vitamin B1

0.35 mcg


100 mg



3.5 mg



78 mg



565 mg

This article is published for informational purposes only. You can not and should not replace the consultation with a Nutritionist. We advise you to consult your trusted Nutritionist. ThemesFood Legumes

Benefits Of Kidney Beans For Skin Hair And Health (April 2024)