Metformin: what it is, how to take it and side effects

Metformin is a drug that is commonly used to treat patients with type 2 diabetes, a disease that suffers a significant number of people. As all prescribed medication must be administered only by medical direction and controlled by a doctor because - even when it helps many people to treat their diabetes - has potentially serious side effects and is not suitable for any patient.

So that you can have some more information about Metformina, this time, we prepare for you a synthesis with the fundamental aspects that you should know about how to take this medication and the side effects it has.

Effects of Metformin

Metformin is the generic name of the drug and can be found under different names since there are several laboratories that market it, in some cases in combination with other medicines.

As we mentioned, It is mainly used for patients who have type 2 diabetes, that is, when the body produces insulin but does not use it properly, not managing to control the amount of sugar in the blood.

Metformin has the effect of reducing the amount of glucose (either produced in the liver or incorporated through food). Another effect of this drug is to increase the body's response to insulin.

That is, on the one hand it allows to reduce the amount of glucose produced in the liver or consumed from the diet, and on the other hand to increase the response of our own organism to insulin.

Warnings to take metformin and side effects

Before we reminded you that this drug should be exclusively administered by a doctor, and this is because there are many situations that can lead to a serious adverse effect if this medication is taken without supervision. We will review some of them.

There are a number of health problems that may be incompatible with metformin ingestion, even if you have had them in the past: heart attacks or heart disease, stroke, diabetic ketoacidosis, coma, kidney or liver disease. Also being over 80 years of age.

Another thing to keep in mind and inform the doctor immediately is if they arise during treatment or if you had recently suffered from some of these conditions: serious infections, severe diarrhea, vomiting, fever, decreased fluid intake.

If during the taking of the medication some of these symptoms arise, you should stop taking it and go to the doctor: feeling very tired or weak, stomach pain, loss of desire to eat, changes or difficulties in breathing, alterations in the heart rate (acceleration or decrease), reddened skin, muscle pain or cold sensation.

As you can see there are many cares to be had in case of being treated with Metformin, and it is always necessary to go to a consultation in case of having these conditions that can interfere with said drug.

Other issues that may interfere with metformin include performing surgeries (including dental), studies that use contrast injectables, or any major medical procedure. Also the intake of alcohol, so it must previously ask authorization to the doctor in charge of its follow-up.

How is Metformin taken?

This medicine has different types of presentation. The most common are in liquid form, common tablets and long-acting tablets. Although of course your doctor will tell you in what quantity, frequency and time to take metformin, we will review in each case which is the most recommended way to make your shot.

For the presentation of liquid metformin is usually taken one to two times a day along with any of the meals. For regular tablets are usually indicated two or three times a day also accompanying food.

In the case of long-acting tablets, as its name tells us, These are taken with a single daily dose that takes effect throughout the day. It is generally recommended to take it with food. This article is published for informational purposes only. It can not and should not replace the consultation with a Physician. We advise you to consult your Trusted Doctor. ThemesDiabetes

Metformin 500 mg and Side Effects (September 2024)