Mushrooms, properties and most important benefits

Mushrooms are the fruits of autumn. For this reason it is useful to discover a little more about its properties, virtues, and most important benefits, since we can find them in the forest or in the field, and their preparation can be really simple and simple.

Of course, as it is obvious to suppose, we must be experts in them, or at least discover which ones can be eaten and which ones can not, since consuming some that are poisonous or toxic can be extremely dangerous for our health.

In these cases the best thing is not to risk ourselves, go to a hypermarket and buy some delicious edible mushrooms. In this way, on the one hand we will continue enjoying its nutritional benefits, and on the other hand we will not take risks.

And, in fact, it is quite likely that if we ask you about another characteristic food of autumn, the chestnuts are another food that comes to mind, specifically and especially for its benefits and most important properties to consider.

However, another of the foods par excellence of this autumnal season in which we find ourselves, are the mushrooms, which stand out because they have a lot of benefits, from the nutritional point of view.

As we know, mushrooms are the result of the growth of a fungus; living beings that are located between the plant kingdom and the animal, but that differ from the higher plants in that they do not have chlorophyll.

Nutritious benefits of mushrooms

They stand out for their wealth in high biological value proteins, and because they have an important proportion of mineral salts, among which we can review the phosphorus, iron Y potassium, being low in sodium.

They are an excellent source of trace elements, highlighting the chlorine , sulfur, boron, manganese Y zinc.

Due to this high percentage protein, mushrooms have a digestion very similar to meat, so, to help the digestion is not heavy, it is recommended that they be consumed with salads, if possible only raw vegetables.

This is possible thanks to the abundant proportion of water and the cellulose or fiber of the vegetables, something that helps to neutralize the acidifying result of the mushrooms.

They also stimulate both brain and nervous activity, and are ideal for cases of anemia, or in weight loss diets.

The most important properties of mushrooms

Between the benefits of mushrooms most outstanding, we find the following properties or virtues:

  • High content of proteins of biological value.
  • Important proportion of mineral salts: phosphorus, iron Y potassium, being low in sodium.
  • Excellent source of trace elements: chlorine , sulfur, boron, manganese Y zinc.
  • They stimulate nervous and cerebral activity.
  • Ideal in slimming diets and anemia.
This article is published for informational purposes only. You can not and should not replace the consultation with a Nutritionist. We advise you to consult your trusted Nutritionist. ThemesMushrooms and Mushrooms