What is tamari sauce and main differences with soy sauce

It is quite likely that at this moment you know that the soy sauce It is one of the oldest condiments that exist. In fact we are faced with a wonderful seasoning that is known and elaborated since the end of the Zhou Dynasty, when this dynasty ruled the country between 1050 a.C. and 256 BC, when due to the spread of Buddhism - and of vegetarianism - it became necessary and necessary to find vegetable substitutes for condiments containing meat.

This is how soy sauce was born, and when we also find another sauce different but sometimes confused with this one: tamari sauce. And why do they tend to be habitually confused? Fundamentally for its appearance, appearance and taste, although if we look closely soon we will realize that the tamari sauce is somewhat thicker and much darker, with a slightly softer flavor.

Tamari sauce is an extremely typical condiment of Asian cuisine. Although it is true that both sauces (soy and tamari) come from the fermentation of soy beans, soy sauce is made with wheat, while tamari sauce is made exclusively with soy from the liquid that its grains exude. when the miso ferments. That is, we could say that we are faced with a pure soy sauce, which is only fermented with water and salt.

The time of preparation and fermentation of tamari sauce is much greater than that of soy. And is that while the latter usually oscillates between 6 to 12 months, Tamari sauce ferments naturally between 18 to 24 months.

Since it is a pure soy sauce contains much more essential nutrients, among which we can mention a greater amount of carbohydrates, enzymes and iron, in addition to providing the 12 essential amino acids and acetic acid, which helps to inhibit the pollution and is useful to help our body overcome fatigue.

The main characteristics of the tamari sauce

As we have briefly commented on the previous lines, Tamari sauce basically consists of single sauce fermented only with water and salt, to which wheat is not added (as it happens with the common soy sauce, also known popularly with the name of tamari-shoyu).

For this reason it is a condiment with a darker black color and also something thicker, but nevertheless its flavor is much softer. In fact, there are many who consider its aroma more pronounced but exquisite. However, as with soy sauce, it is also used as a condiment for cooking fish or meat.

From a nutritional point of view it surprises incredible richness in essential amino acids, as well as for his contribution in natural antioxidants. These enzymes and amino acids help our digestive system to be able to better absorb other types of proteins, for example from the meat.

Believe it or not, its salt content is relatively low (compared to soy sauce), and many nutritionists recommend it as an excellent substitute for salt in slimming diets.

Since the time and process of making this sauce is more expensive than that of common soy (it is fermented between 18 to 24 months in a completely natural way), in reality few are encouraged to prepare it at home, hence also its price is always something greater. ThemesSoy

What’s the Difference between Regular Soy Sauce and Tamari Soy Sauce? (April 2024)