What seven laws of Bushido can be applied in our daily life?

There is a philosophy that defines very well the character of any Japanese. This is called 'Bushido', a law that is also known as 'The warrior's path' because it had its birth between the different military estates in the XVII century.

In spite of its antiquity, there are still many Nipponese who follow it "to the letter". And for that reason, from NatureVia we have found it very interesting to talk about the basic pillars on which the seven virtues of Bushido are based.

義 Gi - Justice (correct decisions)

Justice is one of the most basic principles of any samurai. Honor must be present in our lives without any excuse. And therefore, always be willing to do the right thing, whatever the consequences. In this way, it will be much easier to discern between good and evil.

勇 Yu- Courage

Courage must be an innate ability in any self-respecting human being. We can not allow fear to possess us in the face of any decision. That is why it is extremely important to make risky decisions. Although this does not mean that we should leave aside other virtues such as respect or caution.

仁 Jin - Benevolence

Through effort and determination you can achieve any goal that we set. And once we are stronger, we can use this strength in post of the common good. We have to be compassionate with our friends and especially with our enemies. In this way we can become much more benevolent people who do not shy away from any adversity.

礼 Rei - Respect, Courtesy

Cruelty should not be part of our personality. And if it ever occurs throughout our lives, we must eliminate it from our being as soon as possible. This should be shown about in times of war (or in our case in difficult times). In this way, we will always show the world how respectable we can become. Otherwise, little or nothing would differentiate us from animals.

誠 Makoto - Honesty, absolute sincerity

The word itself is meaningless to any samurai. If he says he is going to do something, it is practically done. Missing her would be a completely dishonorable and despicable event for both the samurai and her own family. The samurai DO NOT PROMISE, DO NOT SAY THEY ARE GOING TO DO. And it is that for them to talk and pass the action is practically the same.

名誉 「名譽」 Meiyo - Honor

What would become of the samurai without their code of honor? Without this, none of your actions would make sense. Both its facts and decisions are two things that are intimately linked. That is why it is extremely important to be the owner of our actions throughout our lives. They will be the ones that define us as a person. And not the amount of goods or wealth that we have. In short, without honor people would become beings without soul and spirit.

忠義 Chuugi - Loyalty

This goes in correlation to the previous point. By saying that we are going to "do something", we will be linked to those words for all ETERNITY. We will only get rid of them when we have really completed the action implicit in them. Likewise, a samurai will always have to take care of the weakest. Of all those who are in a lower rank than yours. This is the only way to set an example and teach the way of Bushido to future generations.

Have you liked everything that this philosophy from the samurai has given you? We are sure that many of these points we could apply in our daily lives to become definitely better people. And you? With which of these virtues do you stay? This article is published for informational purposes only. It can not and should not replace the consultation with a Psychologist. We advise you to consult your trusted Psychologist.

MIYAMOTO MUSASHI 宮本武蔵. Dokkodo. The way of walking alone. 21 LIFE PRINCIPLES (May 2024)