Caring for memory

Surely at some other time it will have happened that you do not find where you left the keys, what you did yesterday or even what you ate for breakfast or lunch.

All are absolutely normal situations, and unfortunately, they become increasingly common as the years go by and we get older year after year.

It is also true that there are different situations or disorders that can negatively affect our memory. The most usual? Both the states of stress and anxiety, but also influences being too clueless, do not focus on what we do at all times, and even take a poor diet balanced on fresh fruits and vegetables.

What is memory?

According to the Royal Spanish Academy, memory is the psychic faculty by means of which the past is retained and remembered.

Therefore, it is a complete -and complex- system of neuronal interconnections that allow the recovery of a large amount of previously stored information.

Why do we forget things?

As we have indicated in the previous lines, it is usual that different disorders or certain situations have a negative influence on whether or not we can remember some things. Among these situations we should not only talk about stress or anxiety, but also about the existence of an excess of intellectual work (either with studies or with one's daily work).

Also the time and the passing of the years influences a lot, since like any other organ, the brain tends to suffer the consequences of the passage of time as we get older second by second.

Certain diseases, especially brain diseases, also contribute to a loss not only of the capacity of memory, but of concentration.

Tips to take care of the memory

Not only for take care of the memory but to have a good memory and promote it is essential to follow a balanced diet, based especially on a healthy and healthy diet.

To do this, it is convenient to consume 5 servings of fresh fruit and vegetables every day, and maintain a diet with food groups such as white meat, fish, cereals, legumes, nuts and whole grains.

In this way we ensure the consumption of foods that provide us with the essential nutrients for the proper functioning of both our brain and the nervous system.

In addition, you should avoid very fatty foods and those rich in sugars, since this type of products only have a negative impact on our memory.

Good food to take care of the memory

  • Nuts: They are foods rich in B vitamins, essential for proper mental health.
  • Fruits: Above all, blueberries, oranges, apples and lemons stand out. They are very rich in antioxidants, nutrients that help eliminate free radicals.
  • Vegetables: Virtually all vegetables are adequate when it comes to taking care of food. Cabbages or onions, for example, are very rich in antioxidants, while spinach is rich in copper.
  • Fish: Fish like salmon is rich in omega 3, which helps the conservation of arteries and capillaries.
  • Cereals: They provide essential nutrients for our body.
  • Dairy products: They provide calcium, an essential mineral for our brain.
This article is published for informational purposes only. It can not and should not replace the consultation with a Physician. We advise you to consult your Trusted Doctor.

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