Foods that produce gases and you do not know

There is nothing more annoying than having gases, especially when we are in a meal in the company of more people, or when these ultimately appear every time we eat. The truth is we always have gases, the only one that when these appear too much is when we notice that they are there. In these cases appears what is known as aerophagia, whose causes are really very varied. It is precisely when many gases accumulate in our digestive system when the related discomforts arise: abdominal swelling, pain and unpleasant flatulence.

In our digestive tract, it is normal that after each meal gases produced by carbon dioxide, hydrogen (and in a third of people also methane gas) are formed, as a consequence of the air that we swallow when we eat, by the presence of enzymes and bacteria and their nutrients. In fact, It is an absolutely normal process during the digestive process.

The most common causes that cause the appearance of gases

There are several causes that can cause the appearance of annoying stomach and intestinal gas. The most common are the following:

  • Swallow too much air when eating: it is normal that, every time we eat, we swallow air when swallowing food, especially if we talk while we are doing it. But when we swallow more air than we should, it is the moment when the flatulence will appear later.
  • Eat very fast: it is another of the most common causes of the appearance of gases, since we do not chew food correctly and it is more common for flatulence to form, given that when eating fast it is also usual to swallow more air.
  • Nervousness and anxiety: both anxiety and stress and also the nerves tend to influence the appearance of gas, especially when we eat with nervous tension (since we tend to eat faster, worse and also our digestive system will not do good digestion).
  • Lactose intoleranceLactose intolerance is another of the most common causes of the appearance of annoying gases, especially when milk is consumed with lactose and its derivatives in those who can not tolerate it.
  • Some diseases and digestive disorders: as may be the case of irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn's disease, diverticulitis, pancreas problems or problems with the intestinal flora (for example, lack of intestinal flora or digestive enzymes).

What foods produce gases?

The truth is There are some foods that are very well known precisely because they tend to produce gases when they are consumed more frequently or assiduously than others.

Thus, for example, we can mention two groups:

  • Foods rich in slow-absorbed carbohydrates: as is the case of legumes (especially lentils, chickpeas and beans), corn and pasta.
  • Dairy: as is the case of cow's milk and its derivatives, especially cream, cream cheese, cured cheeses and ice cream.
  • Vegetables and vegetables: cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage, onion, artichokes, cucumbers, radishes, asparagus, turnips and green pepper are very popular in this regard.
  • Certain fruits: as it is the saucepan of the pear, the plums and the grapes.
  • Mushrooms: like the mushrooms.

And what other foods also produce it but surely you do not know them?

As we see, there are certain foods or food groups that stand out because they are very popular because many people know that they tend to produce gases, to a greater or lesser extent and in more or less quantity, depending on each one.

However, we can also mention others less known, which will surely surprise you ... The following stand out:

  • Certain nuts: especially raisins (or raisins).
  • Apple: for its high content of fiber, fructose and sorbitol.
  • OatsAlthough oatmeal is considered one of the most complete and nutritious cereals that exist, did you know that raw consumption tends to cause many gases?
  • Grape juice: for its high sugar content. We can also mention, in general, the juices with a lot of sugar.

We must bear in mind that, although these foods tend to produce gases, to a greater or lesser extent it will depend directly on each person, so it is possible that when you eat raw oatmeal you will not feel bad or produce flatulence, and yet another person yes.

Images | Frank Monnerjahn / liz west / Christian Schnettelker This article is published for informational purposes only. You can not and should not replace the consultation with a Nutritionist. We advise you to consult your trusted Nutritionist.

NO More Bloating! (8 Foods That Fight Gas & Constipation) (March 2024)