What are the causes of male infertility

Many men have always had the desire to have children, it is not a secret, it is usually a success, but sometimes men find themselves unable to procreate and when they see a doctor, it gives them unexpected news.

Male infertility is around 50% of all cases of infertility and inability to conceive a couple, and it is a problem that has different causes. But what does it really consist of?

Basically we can say that we talk about the existence of infertility in man when there is a inability to cause pregnancy, which is often due to the man having a low sperm count. However, it is not the only related cause.

Main causes of male infertility

The main causes of male infertility are given in the following list

  • Disorder in the gonads (30-40%)
  • Sperm transport disorder (10-20%)
  • Hypothalamic or pituitary disorder (1-2%)
  • Unknown causes (40-50%)

As you can see, the unknown causes range from 40 to 50% in the causes of male infertility. And what do we owe this for? Mainly because the research has not yet been fully developed, and there are still many tests to be done in this area. And because, above all, it is not entirely possible to identify the causes.

Be that as it may, this usually happens because there is a low sperm count. On the other hand, it can also be caused by the existence of problems of ejaculation or by the presence of abnormalities in the sperm of man (related above all with its quality and the quality of the sperm itself).

The abnormalities in the sperm have two possible reasons in an individual, or it is unusually short the period of life that they have, or do not have a good mobility, being this excessively low.

The reasons for the appearance of abnormalities in the sperm can be due to different causes that cause this problem. For example: inflammation of the testicles, swelling of the veins in the scrotum or having abnormally developed testicles.

However, it may also have a genetic origin or due to a congenital defect. Also unhealthy habits influence their appearance: the habitual consumption of alcohol, tobacco or other drugs are related causes. Like other causes such as a severe mumps infection after puberty, a hormonal disorder, or exposure to toxic chemicals.

Also, exposure to radiation can also cause a low sperm count, repairs to the hernia, obstruction caused by a previous infection, the use of tight underwear or an injury to the groin area.

Also as it has been said before, the problems of ejaculation can be the cause of male infertility. The most common causes of poor ejaculation are the following:

  • Suffering from premature ejaculation.
  • Suffering from retrograde ejaculation, this occurs when the semen is forced back into the bladder.
  • Suffering from erectile dysfunction.
  • Whether it is an effect of a previous surgery or because of radiotherapy.

Other causes for male infertility may be due to a previously transmitted sexual transmission disease, urinary tract infections or the use of certain types of medications.

How is male infertility treated?

The causes that cause the appearance of male infertility have been shown well, but even though some men may feel that there is no way to solve this problem, there are some treatments that can help remedy this situation, then the methods will be shown. which are normally used for the treatment of this condition:

  • Consume medications to increase sperm production It can be a solution to treat male infertility, since if you have a low number of sperm these medications will solve this situation.
  • Take hormones to improve the hormonal imbalance that is possessed.
  • Avoid taking long hot showers and baths, especially in jacuzzis or saunas, these will contribute to the development of infertility in men due to the excessive heat they produce.
  • Avoid wearing tight underwear and that it is too hot in the pelvic area of ​​man, with the use of looser underwear such as boxer can be avoided overheating this area.

Tips to avoid male infertility

Giving a summary of what was previously said, we can say that avoiding sexually transmitted diseases, avoiding the use of drugs and alcohol intake, avoiding exposure to radiation or toxic substances and having good personal hygiene can help avoid suffering from male infertility This article is published for informational purposes only. It can not and should not replace the consultation with a Physician.We advise you to consult your Trusted Doctor. ThemesInfertility

What causes infertility in men and what treatments are out there? (April 2024)