Heart attack or stroke: warning signs and typical symptoms
According to statistical data, more than one million people suffer a heart attack in the United States of America, out of a population of 318 million people. Half of that million dies and within this group its fatal outbreak is due to not having immediate attention or not knowing or not having a previous history of suffering from this disease.
But do not go so far. In our country, for example, cardiovascular diseases tend to cause 31% of deaths, half of the cases (around 16%) is caused by myocardial infarction.
But it is worth clarifying now what are the specific causes that produce a heart attack in the organ called heart. Heart attacks occur when a clot in the artery blocks the blood supply and oxygen producing arrhythmias. This causes a serious decrease in the pumping of the heart producing the infarction.
How to prevent these attacks? Although sometimes they can not be prevented, it is very important to follow a lifestyle as healthy and healthy as possible. In this sense, it can be prevented by controlling blood pressure, lowering cholesterol, exercising, avoiding tobacco, reducing blood sugar, eating healthy and losing weight.
The most common heart attack symptoms to consider
The symptoms we should be aware of and which may be signs of a future heart attack are:
- Discomfort in the chest as pressure and pain: Although it is considered one of the most typical symptoms, the reality is that not all heart attacks tend to be preceded by chest pain. This pain usually lasts around 15 minutes; that is, it is usually prolonged and is perceived mainly as a sensation of intense pressure in the chest that extends through the arms and shoulders (especially on the left side) and also in the back. It is usually not continued, but prolonged.
- Shortness of breath and difficulty breathing: It is medically known as dyspnea, and basically consists of difficulty breathing, especially among women. It is possible that this difficulty begins even before the infarction occurs.
- Nausea, vomiting and dizziness: It is common that these symptoms are not associated with a heart attack, but the truth is that they do tend to be related.
- Excessive sweating: When we are about to suffer a heart attack, excessive sweating is one of the typical symptoms, since our heart makes a greater effort to have to pump blood through clogged arteries.
The symptoms of a heart attack can vary if it is men or women.
Among women there are some cases that do not have previous symptoms even if they suffer from the disease. These cases are called asymptomatic coronary disease. Some other women do have symptoms and in these cases they can be, for example, in case of coronary disease: angina (pain or discomfort in the chest), pain in the neck, jaw or upper abdomen.
In case of presenting symptoms of arrhythmia the most common signal is to feel heart palpitations. In case of heart failure the most common symptoms are shortness of breath, swelling in the feet, ankles, legs and abdomen.
While in case of presenting a heart attack the most common signs are pain in the chest, back, indigestion, heartburn, and so on.
Another risk factor for producing cardiac infarction is sleep apnea. But what is apnea? When we sleep we take irregular breathing, which causes the oxygen consumption to decrease for short periods. This cause can involve and triple the risk of suffering a cerebrovascular accident (CVA).
Recent studies have found that taking statins reduces the risk of this heart disease, a drug often used to lower cholesterol. Statin is safe for most people, except in the case of pregnant women and people suffering from liver diseases.
Other recent studies indicate that people who live on the higher floors of skyscrapers are less likely to survive a heart attack than those who live on other types of properties.
Those who live from a third floor on are reduced chances of survival and who lives in a higher floor than 16 have remote chances. The reason is simple: they take more time to reach the ground floor.
According to the data of a study of a specialized magazine of Canada, its results were that more than 6,000 people those who lived in the first or second floor could only survive the 4.2. Only 2.5 percent of people living above the third floor survived an attack. And over the sixteenth floor only 1 percent survived unemployment.
How could these numbers be improved? Achieving without doubt faster access to skyscrapers and having a large number of automatic external defibrillators. This article is published for informational purposes only. It can not and should not replace the consultation with a Physician. We advise you to consult your Trusted Doctor. ThemesCardiovascular diseases