How to eat fruits and vegetables (and tips to eat more)

If you read us for some time, surely you have noticed that, in many occasions, we tend to emphasize the importance that, for our health, have the fruits and vegetables. Especially, because they tend to be very rich foods in nutrients, vitamins and minerals necessary for the body, so that by eating fruits and vegetables daily we ensure a healthier and healthier (as long as I allow redundancy).

Not in vain, there are many experts who recommend taking at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables a day, choosing for example those fruits or vegetables that we like the most. But how should fruits and vegetables be eaten or eaten? In what way can we ensure its correct contribution of nutrients ?.

Healthy and adequate guidelines for eating fruits

One of the best options is to avoid peeling fruits, so that we always eat them with skin. This is so because most of the skin is found on the skin fiberthat we find in them, and a good part of the nutrients they contain (especially vitamins).

However, if we want to consume them whole - that is, with their skin and everything - it is best to clean them beforehand, to remove the dirt, germs, pesticides and impurities that may exist in them.

In reference to whether it is better to eat fruits with skin or without skin, the truth is that the skin is the part of the fruit that contains more fiber and nutrients. In fact, it is estimated that each fruit loses around 50% of the different nutrients it contains.

Of course, we must bear in mind that it is not the same to eat an apple or a pear with its skin than an orange (in this last case it is clear that the best thing is to peel it to be able to eat its segments).

If we want to eat them cooked, the best is cook them until they are at their point, but do not leave them longer on the fire (when we see that they are tender, remove them so they do not lose more nutrients). This form of consumption is especially appropriate in case of suffering some type of digestive or gastrointestinal problem. For example, in case of gastritis, where the roasted apple It becomes an excellent option.

Another way to avoid losing many nutrients, is to cut the fruit in large or medium portions, but never too small.

And if you prefer to opt for juices and juices, remember that although they are freshly squeezed drinks it is not the same as eating the whole fruit. On the contrary, you will be consuming an excess of sugars that will not be compensated with the fiber that the meat and the skin of the whole fruit does, so that you will cause a sudden rise in the peak of glucose in the blood.

And in the case of vegetables and vegetables?

Regarding vegetables, everything will depend specifically on what is going to be consumed, since it is not the same to consume a tomato and a fresh lettuce in a salad, or a red pepper in a fish salpicón, than an onion cooked in a soup or a soup.

The key is to always wash the vegetables well before preparing them in the kitchen. And, unlike what you think, it is not only appropriate to wash them before peeling them, but also afterwards.

The reason is that when the vegetables and vegetables are washed at first, some traces of dirt or dirt may remain (and we do not realize it). So that if we do not wash them again, with the knife or peeler we will be passing that dirt to the rest of the food already cut.

Images | Istockphoto This article is published for informational purposes only. You can not and should not replace the consultation with a Nutritionist. We advise you to consult your trusted Nutritionist. ThemesFood Fruits Vegetables and Vegetables

How to Eat Lots of Fruits & Vegetables (March 2024)