How to exercise at home: step by step

There is no doubt that the physical exercise It is essential -and essential- when it comes to taking care of our health, keeping a weight as appropriate as possible based on our height and physical complexion (find out more information about the ideal weight you should have according to these and other parameters), and keep us active time.

In fact, about the benefits of the exercise we have already talked to you on many occasions, although it is worth remembering some of the most important ones: it increases energy expenditure and fat consumption, helps to lose weight, lowers blood pressure and reduces Blood fats (LDL cholesterol and triglycerides), provides an interesting effect against stress and anxiety, helps in the metabolism of calcium and is effective against muscle pain.

In relation to the time that should last the sports practice the most advisable thing is that the physical exercise lasts between 30 to 60 minutes, although it is clear that if we do not have experience and it is the first time that we are going to start with it, it is best to do it little by little: first 5 minutes, then 10, 15, 20 ... so until our own organism is able to reach 30, 40 or 60 minutes.

While it is true that more and more people are encouraging themselves to practice outdoor physical exercise (for example, go for a brisk walk, run or practice a bike), did you know that it is also possible to practice at home? It is clear that it is not the same, but as the saying goes ... lack of good bread are cookies.

How to practice exercise at home step by step

The physical exercise that you can practice at home is really varied. For example, you can have an exercise bike, a gym machine or a treadmill at home. If this is your case, the exercise is as simple as getting down to work and practicing it for at least an hour; Yes, after having stretched well.

But if you do not have an exercise machine or exercise bike, there is no problem: do you know that you can play sports in your daily tasks? For example, if you have to clean the house or clean the floors is a great option to do it actively. Or even if you have stairs, what better way to use them to raise and lower them for a few minutes? It will help you strengthen both the buttocks and the legs.

On the other hand, do not forget that although you can practice physical exercise at home, it is essential that you combine it with the practice of outdoor exercise, since its benefits are even greater.

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