Is coffee good for your health?

Much has been said about the coffee, and in a certain sense it could be said that there are some diverse myths that are not completely true, and that nevertheless are taken as real when, in reality, it can become absolutely the opposite.

It has been said that coffee makes you fat, which can even intoxicate various organs (mainly the liver), or that produces halitosis. But what is true about all this?

In the first place, we must take into account the type of coffee that we usually consume, since it is not the same as natural roast coffee (which tends to be a much healthier coffee with a greater number of benefits and nutritional properties), than a roasted coffee, which has lost nutrients due to being subjected to high temperatures, in such a way that toxic substances have also appeared.

As you surely know, coffee contains caffeine, which is a stimulant that penetrates with certain ease in absolutely all the cells of our body, accumulating easily. Once it is consumed, this substance is degraded in the liver, being eliminated through the urine between three and six hours after being consumed.

What type of coffee is healthier? Natural or mix?

There are different types of coffee that we can easily find depending on the country where we are. While, depending on the type of toasting, we can basically distinguish three basic types. The truth is that, depending on the personal tastes of each one, it is possible to choose between one or the other option.

In relation to coffee varieties, today there are a total of 4 well differentiated varieties: Arabica, Robusta, Libárica and Excelsa. Arabica coffee is one of the most popular and well-known, standing out as much for its higher quality as for having a better flavor.

While, depending on the degree of toasting, we distinguish three popular options:

  • Natural roasting:It is a type of coffee that only contains green coffee as the only ingredient. For this reason, it is considered one of the most suitable types of coffee.
  • Roasted coffee:It is a type of coffee whose beans are roasted, but before finishing the roasting process, you add sugar, glucose syrup or sucrose. The maximum proportion is 15 kg. of sugar per 100 kg. of green coffee. The appearance of the beans after roasting is darker, and their flavor much more bitter and strong.
  • Coffee mix:It is a type of coffee resulting from the mixture of natural roast coffee and roasted coffee.

Although both natural roast coffee and roasted coffee share a similar nutritional profile and also practically the same effects of caffeine, many nutritionists advise opting for the natural variety because it does not have added sugars during the roasting process.

In fact, it has been found that roasted coffee, despite providing the same properties, tends to overload the liver and liver function itself, producing even more digestive problems, fatigue or insomnia, and even halitosis.

In addition, due to the stronger and bitter taste of coffee made with roasted coffee, it is usually usual to sweeten it with sugar or any other sweetener before drinking it. So at the end of the day, especially if we have taken more than one cup of coffee, we are likely to exceed the amount of daily sugar recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO).

Therefore, it is best to opt for natural roast coffee, preferably without sweetening. If you wish, you can discover more in the article Benefits of drinking coffee alone and without sugar.

How many cups of coffee can be taken per day?

With regard to how many cups of coffee the experts recommend to be taken daily, the best option is to never take more than two coffees a day, being able to substitute them for tea or infusions.

It is better to enjoy a good cup of coffee in a moderate way, than to drink three or four cups every day, and in addition to roasted coffee. Do not forget that we can always continue enjoying the delicious taste of coffee, opting also for one of natural roasting.

Images | Istockphoto This article is published for informational purposes only. You can not and should not replace the consultation with a Nutritionist. We advise you to consult your trusted Nutritionist. ThemesCoffee

5 Facts About Coffee | The Health Benefits of Coffee (April 2024)