Nutritional information of fresh cheese

The cheeses They are characterized for being foods with a very important nutritional value, that contribute an interesting and varied number of benefits and very interesting properties for our health.

In fact, they are one of the fundamental foods within the so-called Mediterranean diet for its richness in both proteins and minerals such as calcium, and within a balanced and healthy diet in general.

However, we must not forget that depending on whether it is a cured cheese or not, its nutritional value varies, as well as its calories and its fat content (which in many cases tends to be quite high).

An interesting and delicious variety of cheese recommended for those who follow weight loss diets, can not consume fatty or cured cheeses or simply do not enjoy their strong flavor and aroma, the most appropriate option are the fresh cheeses (especially the soft cheese).

They are much less fat options, but with a high content of nutrients, which will depend directly on the type of milk used in its preparation and its degree of maturation.

Nutritional information of fresh cheese

As indicated above, the high nutrient content of these cheese varieties depends directly on both the type of milk used for their preparation and the degree of maturation of these cheeses.

The Fresh cheeses stand out above all for their high protein content (around 15%). In addition, they provide all the essential amino acids in an adequate proportion.

They are very rich in minerals, especially calcium (For example, 100 grams of cheese provide 185 mg of calcium). Of course, they are also rich in nutrients such as selenium or phosphorus.

Nutritional values ​​of fresh cheeses

  • Calories of fresh cheese: 175 calories.
  • Proteins: 16 g.
  • Carbohydrates: 5 g.
  • Fat: 12 g.
  • Vitamins: folic acid (14.3 mcg.), B2 (0.18 mg.), B3 (1.2 mg.) B6 (0.09 mg.)
  • Minerals: sodium (1,200 mg.) Calcium (185 mg.), Selenium (15 mcg.) Phosphorus (600 mg.).

It is necessary to bear in mind that this nutritional information of fresh cheese It will depend directly on the type of cheese that will be consumed. Therefore, they are values ​​that can be taken as an example only for guidance. This article is published for informational purposes only. You can not and should not replace the consultation with a Nutritionist. We advise you to consult your trusted Nutritionist.

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