The figure of the sports psychologist, advantages and functions
The profession of sports psychologist is in full expansion just a few years ago. The physical and mental preparation of users and athletes makes this figure relevant and that it is a profession of the future.
In the gym, in sports clubs, federations, in offices as freelance professionals ... in many places we can find the psychologist who will watch over our well-being and help us compete with the awakened mind.
According to the Official College of Spanish Psychologists, sports psychology studies the behavior of people in the field of physical activity and sports, through various factors: psychological individual, group and institutional that determine the practice of various sports and the psychosocial consequences of such activities.
Functions of the sports psychologist
This professional moves in the field of sport, healthy life and well-being, occupying various positions. Initially, it will have to carry out psychological evaluations of users, as well as plan and program a series of processes for the athlete or user to follow.
In turn, you must evaluate the sports performance of people, their mind, in addition to being able to educate, advise, research and train in this matter.
It focuses, then, on various areas, such as: the sport of performance, whether professional or not; in the sport of base and initiation, be a sport of school, university or community type; and in the field of leisure and free time sports, related to health and sports for all. First of all, one of the objectives of its functions is the use of sport as a means to acquire various values, both ethical and sociable.
Many other times, the psychologist acts together with the human resources department of a company, an entity or club, or next to marketing, or support for management and direction.
Benefits of incorporating a sports psychologist into your life
Achievement of objectives
Whether we are in the field of sports or not, the figure of this psychologist is positive because it reinforces our goals. It helps us to know which way to go, to establish specific objectives and how to reach them.
Getting to the top is not always possible or the way to do it is complicated. Demotivation can be one of the faults when we are afraid of achieving the objectives set. That is when the psychologist gives us the necessary confidence and motivates us to move forward.
Stress improvement
The sports psychologist is a professional who knows how to control the level of stress in each situation, especially in competitions. In this case, it will help the person to control the level of stress, to relax it, to move it away from the nerves and to know how to take the pressure in which they live in certain contexts.
Constant support in retreats or long injuries
When a sportsman thinks about his retirement, a world can come over not knowing how to fit this situation. This also happens when there are long injuries and the person can not adapt to this novelty.
In such cases, the sports-oriented psychologist supports the other person, advises them and helps them cope with a new life that may be linked to sports, but perhaps not. As we have indicated previously, the motivation that this figure brings enhances the potential of each person and generates a new confidence in himself.
Improve behaviors and emotions
One of its functions is to evaluate all kinds of emotions, sensations, thoughts and attitudes to lead them to a good end. The goal is to improve yourself day by day also as a person through sports.
The contact with the family or people surrounding the athlete
Although in lesser terms, the psychologist must be in contact with relatives, friends and the circle closest to the athlete, advising them for an improvement of all. This article is published for informational purposes only. It can not and should not replace the consultation with a Psychologist. We advise you to consult your trusted Psychologist.