Throat itch: how to relieve it naturally

It is quite likely that at some point in your life you have felt Itchy throat, that annoying symptom that, in short, tends to become one of the first signs that indicate the existence of a Sore throat. However, it is true that the itching in the throat can appear for any other reason, and not just be an indication that there is an irritation or even pharyngitis (consisting of inflammation of the pharynx). Among the causes that can cause the appearance of the annoying itching of throat we can find ourselves: talking a lot, dryness in the environment as a result of heating or air conditioning, some drink or food that causes irritation, as well as pharyngitis, laryngitis and tonsillitis.

There is no doubt that we have all suffered at some time from discomfort in the throat, which appear and feel especially when we swallow or even when we speak. It is true that when there is itching of the throat there may or may not be pain, which will depend directly on the cause that caused the itch. In these cases, the pain does appear when there is an inflammation of the different structures and tissues that form the throat.

Regardless of the cause that causes the appearance of itchy throat, no doubt when it finally appears becomes an annoying companion, especially if we are talking in public or if we are having a conversation with another person. Even, of course, it can be just as annoying even if we are not talking to anyone and we are alone. Luckily, for those moments when it seems we have ants that do nothing but walk and walk down our throats, we propose some Useful tips that help relieve it naturally, easily and simply.

Natural tips to relieve throat itching

1. Garlic and onion

As he Garlic as the onion they are two foods that could not be missed within a varied, healthy and balanced diet, especially during the coldest months of the year, thanks to They are excellent antiseptics and expectorants.

In fact, they can become two essential ingredients when preparing the delicious chicken soup for flu, which contains foods with anti-flu and protective action against the common cold, being able to control the activity of neutrophils and act as anti-inflammatory

In the particular case of both garlic and onion, the ideal is to eat them raw, although it is true that its taste and smell may not like us that much. In this way we make sure that we provide all our essential nutrients to our organism, and they do not lose qualities in terms of their antiseptic and expectorant virtues. However, it is also possible to include them in soups and salads.

2. Licorice

Believe it or not, licorice is especially suitable in case of itching throat, since it helps when it comes to relieving both oral and throat dryness, act as a moisturizer. In addition, it exerts an interesting action both soothing and bacterial, as well as anti-inflammatory.

There are different ways to enjoy these medicinal and therapeutic qualities. The simplest is to opt for tablets, capsules or in the form of an extract (diluting 10 drops in a glass of warm water and gargling). You can also make an infusion, or even chew directly the dried root of this plant.

3. Gargle of warm water and salt

Did you know that water and salt gargles are ideal for sore throat? They are also particularly interesting in case of throat itching, especially if the gargles are made with warm water, which helps hydrate and soothe discomfort.

To make them you only need a glass of warm water and one or two tablespoons of salt. Once ready, you should suck some of the water and gargle for 15 to 20 seconds, to finally remove the water.

4. Honey and lemon

Along with garlic and onion, probably lemon and honey are two other ingredients that can not miss when there is a cold, flu or throat discomfort. In fact, it is one of the most popular traditional remedies that exist against discomfort and itching of the throat.

To make this natural remedy squeeze a lemon and reserve its juice. Heat a little and add a teaspoon of honey, mixing well with the help of a wooden spoon.

In addition to these natural tips, if you also want to increase your defenses and take care of your health, we recommend taking warm water with lemon every morning, every morning.

Images | emily much / Erich Ferdinand / petur r / Sarah Cartwright / CoCreatr This article is published for informational purposes only. It can not and should not replace the consultation with a Physician. We advise you to consult your Trusted Doctor.

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