Tips for caring for the voice when it's cold

The vocal cords are two bands of smooth muscle tissue found in the larynx, which produce the sound when vibrating when they hit the air. While the main responsible of our voice with the two upper vocal cords, we can also find two other lower (that is, in total human beings have four vocal cords). Different diseases and disorders can affect the vocal cords, as for example is the case of aphonia.

The aphonia It is considered as the partial or total loss of the voice. There are several causes that can cause aphonia: rupture of the recurrent laryngeal nerve, alcohol or tobacco abuse, ingestion of irritating and toxic products ... However, among the most common we find the diseases of the respiratory system, as for example pharyngitis, tonsillitis and irritative cough, as well as inflammations in the throat, larynx or pharynx.

In this sense, there is no doubt that cold is one of the main causes of aphonia, which is why it is especially appropriate to know what Tips help when it comes to caring for the voice effectively and effectively.

Why should we take care of our voice when it's cold?

There is no doubt that cold is one of those necessary 'companions' every time autumn and winter arrive. And is that with the arrival of these two seasons temperatures also fall, and the bad weather is joined by rain and wind, so it is more common - and normal - to get cold and get sick.

When we catch a cold there are several symptoms that tend to accompany it. One of the most common is the throat inflamation, which in all cases attends sore throat and discomfort, especially when swallowing and eating. They are known as seasonal diseases, and are ultimately infectious disorders characteristic of both autumn and winter.

Tips to take care of your voice naturally when it's cold

Do not force the voice

Although this is a piece of advice that we must continue practically throughout the year, given that the cold tends to affect our vocal cords and our throat, it is very important to try not to force the voice. And how to get it? Very simple: try to speak naturally and effortlessly, avoiding shouting if it is not necessary and speaking in an excessively loud voice, forcing it.

It is also not advisable to cough abruptly or clear your throat, in addition to very pronounced sneezing.

Wrap up well

Whenever you go out on the street it is important that you dress warmly, protecting and caring for the throat with the help of high-collared clothes, scarves or scarves, which also cover the neck (a part of the body that we tend to forget very easily).

Hydrate correctly

Maintaining proper and regular hydration is equally essential. And as it happens with not forcing the voice, it is also essential to do it all the year and not only during the autumn and the winter. For this, remember to drink every day between 6 to 8 glasses of water, in addition to opting for other natural beverages such as juices at room temperature (never cold), and infusions.

On the other hand, you should avoid those drinks that dehydrate the vocal folds, as is the case with tea and coffee.

In case you should take medications such as antihistamines, because you suffer from allergies or some other illness typical of these seasons, it is essential that you always consume them with enough water.

Beware of certain foods

When it comes to caring for the voice in autumn and winter, it is essential to keep in mind what we eat at all times. For example, it is not advisable to take too hot or too cold foods or drinks.

It is also interesting to avoid those foods that stimulate stomach acids, which cause reflux and heartburn, which can affect the larynx causing irritation. At this point, you should avoid acid, spicy and sour-tasting foods.

Images | Francisco Osorio / Nomadic Lass This article is published for informational purposes only. It can not and should not replace the consultation with a Physician. We advise you to consult your Trusted Doctor.

Facebook Live: Voice Care for Teachers (April 2024)