Vitamin C helps prevent cardiovascular disease
Every year thousands of people die because of suffering the so-called cardiovascular diseases, as a consequence, above all, of bad and harmful habits of life. In this sense, many specialists warn that the consumption of tobacco or alcohol, in addition to the excessive consumption of fats in the diet is a clear index of risk of suffering from this type of diseases.
For this reason, it is essential that the person get a blood test every year (in case there is no type of added condition, or every six months if you must control any index or pathology), as a way to know if you have high cholesterol or if you have the high triglycerides.
But, as a study has recently shown, it seems that maintaining a good level of vitamin C it tends to decrease the risk of suffering from this type of diseases.
What are cardiovascular diseases?
The cardiovascular diseases they are also known medically as heart disease, although the truth is that they consist equally not only of disorders of the heart, but of the blood vessels.
That is to say, Cardiovascular diseases consist of a set of disorders and conditions of both the heart and blood vessels. And they become, in fact, the leading cause of death in virtually the entire world.
In fact, as the World Health Organization reported some time ago, it is estimated that around 17.5 million people died of cardiovascular disease in 2012. Moreover, of these, around 7.4 million were due to coronary heart disease, and 6.7 million due to cerebral vascular accidents.
What are the main risk factors for cardiovascular diseases?
It has been shown that there are certain habits (not only food) that become the direct causes of a person suffering from cardiovascular disease. For example, the consumption of tobacco and alcohol and follow a sedentary lifestyle they are directly related causes.
And these habits tend to manifest in the person in the form of overweight and obesity, high cholesterol levels, triglycerides and sugar, and also high blood pressure. All of them tend to increase the risk of heart attacks, heart failure or strokes, among others.
Therefore, from a medical point of view it has been shown that reduce the consumption of sugar and salt in the diet, together with the elimination of alcohol and tobacco, and maintain a regular physical activity It helps in a very positive way when it comes to reducing the risk of suffering a stroke or a heart attack.
How does vitamin C help against cardiovascular diseases?
As scientifically proven, maintaining good levels of vitamin C helps prevent cardiovascular disease.
Take, for example, a Danish study in which more than 100,000 people were monitored. It was found that people who had higher levels of vitamin C in their blood plasma had a much lower rate of heart disease.
Another scientific study, published in the specialized editionAmerican Heart Journal, revealed that each increase of 20 μmol / L of vitamin C is related to a lower mortality due to heart failure (of around 9% less).
Therefore, know that each person needs 90 mg. per day to have almost 100% coverage of the daily need for vitamin C, helps when it comes to preventing this type of diseases. However, we must bear in mind that this recommended daily amount depends on the sex and the age of the person. So it is best to take a look at the following recommendations:
Recommended amount of vitamin C according to the stage of life:
- Babies up to 6 months of age: 40 mg
- Babies from 7 to 12 months of age: 50 mg
- Children from 1 to 3 years of age: 15 mg
- Children from 4 to 8 years of age: 25 mg
- Children 9 to 13 years old: 45 mg
- Adolescents (males): 75 mg
- Adolescents (girls): 65 mg
- Adults (men): 90 mg
- Adults (women): 75 mg
- Pregnant women: 85 mg
- You die during lactation: 120 mg
To ensure this consumption, a good idea is to know the Foods rich in vitamin C. This article is published for informational purposes only. You can not and should not replace the consultation with a Nutritionist. We advise you to consult your trusted Nutritionist. ThemesVitamins