What is the morning-after pill and what is it for?
It was in 1951 when the world of medicine was a real and true breakthrough for women: it was the moment in which the derivative progesterone was patented, which would then act as contraceptive method, although it is true that it was not until 1960 when finally the anticonceptive pill It was authorized in the United States and then sold as such. Moreover, in Spain it arrived in 1964 and was prescribed exclusively for gynecological treatments in order to regulate the menstrual cycle.
Since then, millions of women throughout the world take it every day, either as a way to protect themselves against an unwanted pregnancy (and prevent it from occurring), or simply as a means to regulate their menstrual cycle.
However, although the one named as morning pill It is more well known since a few years ago in our country, did you know that its first use dates back actually to the 70s? However, its availability has varied over the years, so that, for example, at the beginning of 2001, women aged 16 and over were able to obtain it without a prescription in the United Kingdom, while in Spain this was not possible until 2009 ( before this year, it did require a prescription).
What is the morning after pill?
The morning pill is a group of emergency contraceptives, feminine and that are taken orally. It is also known by the name of morning-after pill, emergency contraceptive pill Or simply Postday pill.
It contains uliprital acetate, levonorgestrel and mifepristone, in addition to meloxicam, all of them postcoital hormonal contraceptives that act as emergency contraceptives.
It is an emergency contraceptive of last generation, which contains hormones that prevent pregnancy after having had unprotected sex. On the one hand, it inhibits ovulation when it is administered halfway through the cycle. On the other, they alter the motility of the fallopian tube to prevent the sperm from reaching the egg.
What is it useful for?
As we have indicated, The main objective of the morning-after pill is to prevent pregnancy from occurring, for example before the practice of sexual relations without any type of contraceptive protection (or if one has the certainty or belief that these have failed, for example, in the face of the evident breakage of a condom).
So, help pregnancy does not occur by acting in different ways:
- Inhibits ovulation: especially when the pill is administered halfway through the cycle.
- The thinnest membrane of the uterus returns: The fertilized ovules can not adhere to the uterus.
- It alters the motility of the tube: making it more complicated for the sperm to reach the egg to fertilize it.
On the one hand, if the morning-after pill is taken before ovulation, the hormones it contains prevent the ovum from being released (anovulatory effect). On the other hand, if it is taken after ovulation, these same hormones prevent the fertilized ovum from nesting in the lining of the endometrium (anti-implant effect).
In Spain it can be purchased since 2009 without a prescription in pharmacies. The average price is 20 euros, although some family planning centers and medical centers dispense without cost.
How is it consumed and how?
The box usually comes with two pills, which must be taken by the patient. The first one must be taken before 72 hours have elapsed since the sexual relationship. And the second 12 hours after having taken the first one.
However, the World Health Organization itself (WHO) advises taking both pills at the same time. This article is published for informational purposes only. It can not and should not replace the consultation with a Physician. We advise you to consult your Trusted Doctor.