Alcohorexia: stop eating to drink alcohol

The alcohorexia It is an eating disorder consisting of the person stops eating to drink alcohol. As a consequence, it causes a series of symptoms that make it possible to identify the problem. Your treatment must be interdisciplinary.

Today there is a consensus in pointing out how Eating Disorders mainly both the bulimia as the anorexia nervosa. However, specialists agree on the existence of certain unspecified eating disorders (TCANE).

Among these unspecified eating disorders we find the vigorexia, orthorexia and the diabulimia. And also with a new eating disorder that has received the name of alcohorexia.

What is alcohorexia?

It consists of a eating disorder in which the person eats little by day to be able to drink alcohol at night. The objective of the person, as we see, is to achieve a generalized thinning through a low consumption of food, so as not to increase the caloric intake and thus be able to drink alcohol abusively at night.

It may be usual for the person to unconsciously suffer from alcoholism and for this it is not necessary that the person suffer from an eating disorder as such due to wanting to lose weight or be obese. Just follow an unbalanced and unhealthy diet, and drink alcohol at night.

It is a common practice in many young adolescents, who become the most vulnerable group, since they are known for all the bottle parties that are practiced every weekend in our country.

The United States is a good example: specialists estimate that 35% of young people between 18 and 24 years old skip meals and then drink alcohol at night.

What are your causes?

Many medical specialists agree that the alcohorexia is very related to anorexia, since the person who suffers from this eating disorder tends to be afraid of gaining weight, in such a way that they tend to perceive themselves as fat when in fact they can even be very thin.

Symptoms of alcohorexia

There are some symptoms that allow to identify if a person is suffering or not this eating disorder. The most common are the following:

  • Malnutrition.
  • The person tends to follow irregular eating habits.
  • Fear of weight gain, despite being thin.
  • The person avoids eating to drink alcohol.
  • Loss of proteins, vitamins and minerals.
  • Abdominal obesity due to excessive alcohol consumption.
  • Risk of liver diseases, such as fatty liver, hepatomegaly (inflammation and enlarged liver) and cirrhosis.

In addition, it is usual to produce an evident hair loss (as a result of poor health), as well as changes in the way of being.

The dangerous consequences of suffering from alcohorexia

We must bear in mind that what is known as alcohorexia what it does is merge two serious problems, because while the person suffering from it stops eating correctly (so that you do not get all those nutrients necessary for your body), we must add to this the consumption of alcoholic beverages, not only too often, but also fasting.

Therefore, when alcohorexia is maintained over time and is not properly treated, it may arise many and serious health problems, as:

  • Malnutrition.
  • Heart disease.
  • Alterations of memory.
  • Liver damage.
  • Damage to the kidneys.
  • Excessive fatigue and fatigue.

Treatment of alcohorexia

Like any eating disorder, the treatment to be followed must be interdisciplinary. In severe cases it is recommended to work in psychoeducational groups, which teach the patient to modulate their emotions.

Therefore, a clinical and toxicological control is required, combined with psychological therapies and also in nutritionist counseling. ThemesAlcohol

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