Breakfast with energy: tips for an energy breakfast

How many times has your mother told you since you were little that you have to " have breakfast like a king, have lunch like a prince and dine like a beggar? And although many think otherwise, this popular saying is absolutely right in the world.

And it is that it seems very important that when we get up we have a good breakfast to help us recharge the batteries for the rest of the day while at the same time we lift all our encouragement. In this way, we can carry out all our work with a large dose of energy and optimism.

In fact, it has been concluded that breakfast must contain at least 20-25% of all calories that are going to be ingested throughout the day. Above all, if we take into account that nothing has been ingested in the past 10-12 hours.

What foods should be taken for an energy breakfast?

Has it become clear to you how important it is? eat a good breakfast throughout the first hour of the morning? Well now we are going to detail with great detail what foods we should consume at breakfast time.

A good portion of carbohydrates

When it comes to getting a good dose of energy , carbohydrates are going to play a role of the most essential in this sense. For this, it is recommended to take a slice of whole wheat bread and / or a bowl of cereals of oatmeal that does not have a high sugar content.

In this way, we will achieve recharge the batteries well without neglecting our line or take a few extra kilos.


The truth that fruits are a source inexhaustible of vitamins and minerals that will be essential to strengthen our body.

For this reason, it is advisable to take for example a good portion of for example oranges or kiwis to improve our defenses and be less exposed to colds or flu. On the other hand, apples and bananas provide an extra dose of potassium that will give us a chute of extra energy so we can concentrate better.

Low-fat dairy

There are many people who opt for dairy products in yogurt or cow's milk at breakfast time. However, it must be taken into account that these foods contain a quite high caloric index that they're just going to get us to gain a few extra kilos. However, the yogurt It stands out for being a nutritious food full of benefits, ideal -for example- to start the morning.

You can also choose the goat's milk, a drink that has more fat than cow's milk, but a lower amount of lactose.

Although there are also foods that can replace them, such as soy milk, which also has a high protein content and has antioxidant properties.


The nuts They are also an option to keep in mind to get a good dose of glucose, unsaturated fats and fiber. It is possible to find all these elements in for example hazelnuts, almonds and nuts. Although it is advisable not to abuse their consumption because they have a high caloric index.

The best? Always opt for a handful of nuts; for example, those that you can fit in one hand (about 25 grams, approximately).

You can not miss your breakfast either ...

Cereals, best integrals

Breakfast cereals can be ideal, but if they are integral, since breakfast cereals (for example, those made for the smallest), usually contain an excess of sugars and low fiber content.

So, It is a good idea to choose breakfast cereals, since it is a good way to provide our bodies with complex carbohydrates. An example is the oats, that we can enjoy in the form of porridge.


A slice of bread accompanied with a teaspoon of jam and white cheese would be unique, as well as accompany it with a little fat butter or sausage.

The cookies can be adequate if they are not eaten every day, like the bakery.

A glass of warm water with lemon

Very few drinks like water with lemon will help us so much when we get up. The reason? Well because this mixture is going to purge all our airways while at the same time eliminating all the toxins that are stored in our stomach. It will also satisfy our thirst and will help strengthen all our defenses.

Some tips at breakfast time

Have you already taken note of all the food you should take when enjoying a most energetic breakfast? Well then, we will tell you a series of tips that It would not hurt if you continued from time to time.

  • Give yourself the time to eat breakfast. It is useless to take all these foods "fast and running" before going to work as it can have negative effects on your stomach.
  • You can do a couple of stretches. Of all your lower and upper extremities just when you get out of bed. In this way you will gain in flexibility and you will be able to walk and make efforts without your health suffering.

As we see, Enjoy an energy breakfast is very simpleIn addition to healthy and nutritious. Moreover, it is very easy to opt for natural and healthy foods. This article is published for informational purposes only. You can not and should not replace the consultation with a Nutritionist. We advise you to consult your trusted Nutritionist. ThemesBreakfast

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