Foods rich in vitamin C and containing ascorbic acid

By means of the daily diet, and the diet that we follow every day, we contribute to our organism a great diversity of essential nutrients for the organism, which are fundamental for our health.

Among the essential vitamins for the proper functioning of our body, mainly for the different functions that it performs and in which it participates, the vitamin C It stands out as one of the most important. In fact, did you know that it intervenes in more than 300 biological processes, being also one of the most important for our immune system to function correctly and effectively?

Among the most important functions of vitamin C, we find that it is an essential nutrient that stands out for:

  • It is necessary for growth and for the repair of tissues in all parts of the body.
  • It helps to heal wounds, and form scar tissue.
  • Repairs and maintains bones, teeth and cartilage.
  • Antioxidant that helps block part of the damage caused by free radicals.

Regarding whether or not vitamin C helps to cure colds and flu, although it is true that it is an essential nutrient that helps to increase defenses, the various scientific investigations that have been carried out have shown that while it is true that they do not reduce the risk of catching the common cold, nor does it cure it, it does help to have colds with slightly milder symptoms, or for a shorter period of time.

Considering that it is a fundamental vitamin, it is always useful to know which are the foods richer in vitamin C, And ultimately, which foods contain the most vitamin C.

Foods with the highest vitamin C content

1. Guava

100 grams of guava provide 270 mg. of vitamin C. A delicious tropical fruit, very fleshy, green on the outside and red-orange inside, with a sweet but slightly acid taste.

It is very rich in vitamins and antioxidants. From both a nutritional and medicinal point of view, it helps prevent cardiovascular and heart disease, while helping to control high cholesterol levels and lower high blood pressure.

2. Peppers

Although peppers, as a general rule, are very rich in vitamin C, we must differentiate between green peppers (or peppers), and red peppers. 100 grams of green peppers provide 80.4 mg. of vitamin C, while 100 grams of red peppers provide 118.6 mg. That is, red peppers provide more vitamin C than green peppers.

It also provides vitamin B6, B2, beta carotene and vitamin E. It is an ideal food in the prevention of cancer, cardiovascular diseases and degenerative and chronic diseases. It also stands out for its content in lycopene, a natural antioxidant with anticancer properties.

3. Kiwi

100 grams of kiwi provide 92.7 mg. of vitamin C. It is a fruit especially rich in dietary fiber, so it becomes an ideal food in case of constipation, by helping to regulate intestinal transit.

It is also rich in an acid, known as propeolytic, which helps improve blood circulation and reduces high cholesterol levels. On the other hand, it helps to regulate the metabolism of carbohydrates, while acting as a general restorative. Hence, its consumption at breakfast is ideal.

4. Papaya

100 grams of papaya provide 60.9 mg. of vitamin C. From a traditional point of view it also provides vitamins of group B, A and D, and minerals such as calcium, potassium and sodium.

It emphasizes the presence of papain, an enzyme with interesting digestive qualities, especially useful that helps to maintain a healthy and healthy digestive system, with the ability to help us digest better the proteins we consume.

5. Oranges

100 grams of oranges provide 53.2 mg. of vitamin C. Despite providing this amount of vitamin C, and being one of the foods that actually contributes less content in this essential nutrient, the reality is that orange has always been related to this vitamin.

However, it is a very rich food from a nutritional point of view: it provides 60 types of flavonoids and 170 phytochemicals, which help reduce inflammation and prevent and fight cancer. In addition, it helps lower high cholesterol levels and reduce high blood pressure.

More foods rich in vitamin C

As we see, it is essential to follow each day a Food rich in vitamin C, given that it is the best way to ensure a correct -and sufficient- contribution to this vitamin.

But we must be careful, given that being a hydrosoluble vitamin a bit unstable, once the fruit of the tree is torn, it tends to lose many of its nutritional virtues, so it is best to consume it quickly. In addition, exposure to air and light can cause a decrease in this vitamin in fruits and vegetables.

However, what are the foods with the most vitamin C content? We discover them:

Food Quantity (mg. Per 100 g.)
Lemon and orange50

As we see, it is essential not only to follow a healthy diet, but to consume fresh fruits and vegetables every day, which will ensure not only a correct contribution in vitamin C, but good and optimal health. This article is published for informational purposes only. You can not and should not replace the consultation with a Nutritionist. We advise you to consult your trusted Nutritionist. ThemesVitamins

The Highest Vitamin C Food... on the Planet (April 2024)