Hypertension and hypotension: differences

The arterial hypertension it can become a serious problem for health, especially when it becomes chronic or when, in the end, it tends to remain elevated in the long term.

This is because it can affect the kidneys, the liver and the heart, weakening these important organs necessary for life.

In this sense, it is diagnosed arterial hypertension when there is a blood pressure greater than 130-139 / 85-89 mm Hg (systolic / diastolic).

However, we can also find ourselves with the hypotension, an equally abnormal condition that appears when a pressure decrease of about 30 mm Hg (in relation to its usual pressure) or systolic pressure less than 90 mm Hg occurs in the person.

Therefore, it is necessary and necessary to know the Differences in hypotension and hypertension.

Differences between hypertension and hypotension

As we have seen, the hypotension is characterized by the appearance of a blood pressure less than what is considered normal (120/80 mm Hg). In this sense, it is diagnosed when, in the individual, there is a pressure decrease of about 30 mm Hg below its usual pressure, or a systolic pressure less than 90 mm Hg.

Also, the hypertension it is characterized by the existence of a blood pressure generally greater than 130-139 / 85-89 mm Hg (systolic / diastolic).

Consequences of hypertension and hypotension

It is necessary to know that both hypertension as the hypotension They can be serious in the long term, since they affect the heart, kidneys and liver.

Also hypotension can affect the Central Nervous System and the peripheral arteries.

For all this, it is necessary to go to the doctor before any symptom, which will help us to lower the levels in case of hypertension, and to raise them in case of hypotension (know how prevent hypotension).

Image / sundesigns

High Blood Pressure | Hypertension | Nucleus Health (April 2024)