Know the properties of omega 3 and 6 against cancer

Over the last few years we have seen how the Omega 3 and 6 they have become two essential pillars in which a healthy and balanced diet must be sustained. In fact, there are many nutritionists who recommend increasing their consumption considerably due to their more than powerful benefits. They are, as we will see, fatty acids healthy, with many heart-healthy and protective benefits for our health.

Would you like to know what they are? Well first of all let's make a selection of the most important of all of them so that see firsthand the importance of consuming them almost daily.

When we have finished this point, we will tell you why the Omega 3 (and the omega 6 in short) is also the most beneficial to prevent cancer to finally relate in great detail what foods are rich in this fatty acid.

What are the benefits of Omega 3 and 6?

The fatty acids they are a type of polyunsaturated fats which, as demonstrated in a wide variety of scientific studies, help in a positive way when it comes to take care of our cardiovascular system, being especially useful for -for example- lowering the levels of both high cholesterol and high triglycerides.

It should be noted that the Omega 3 is an alpha-linolenic acid that encloses all kinds of advantages for our cardiovascular health and also for the entire nervous system. Hence, it is most important to consume this natural fat more regularly. Moreover, you can also help us fight Some conditions such as those described below:

  • They reduce high cholesterol. The Omega 3 and 6 acid can help considerably that bad cholesterol (LDL) is disappearing from all arteries and veins. This will mean later reducing the chances of suffering a myocardial infarction, a very common disease for those suffering from obesity.
  • We are relieved from stress and anxiety. It is more than proven that Omega 3 and 6 acids also reduce hypertension, another cardiovascular disease that can have the most harmful effects on our health. In this sense, it is advised to consume this natural substance to at least mitigate its symptoms and also get rid of stress and anxiety.

Omega 3 and 6 acids also reduce the appearance of cancer

As many of you will know, almost 80% of cancer cases can appear because of leading an unhealthy lifestyle. On many occasions we base our diet on foods rich in saturated fat and sugars that they're just going to get us to neglect our line and be more prone to catch more serious diseases like this.

All without commenting on the consumption of tobacco and alcohol. These two substances They are the most harmful to yous from certain quantities and in fact are closely related to the cancer of the liver, pancreas or lung. That's why we do not need to tell you to stay as far away from them as you want to gain in quality of life.

But nevertheless, Omega 3 and 6 acids can also be converted into two powerful allies to prevent cancer. This is because their trace elements are capable of "attacking" directly the cancer cells. In this way, it is possible that the tumors are receding little by little thanks to the powerful benefits of these two fatty acids.

Help reduce the effects of cancer

In the study, the researchers observed how the consumption of omega-3 fatty acids contributed to reducing the risk of metastasis in cancer patients.

These fats help to make the mobility of cancer cells much more difficult, thereby reducing the risk of invasion and metastasis.

Among other aspects, it seems that omega-3 has the ability to reduce the growth of cancer cells, while helping to recover the immune system of sick people.

Foods rich in Omega 3 and 6. Fish, vegetables and nuts

Do you realize the need to consume them? Well do not move from the seat because now we are going to tell you what Foods are rich in Omega 3 and 6 to close this article as clearly as possible:

  • Blue fish Among which stand out the mackerel, the tuna, the sardine or the herring. It is recommended to take them all on the grill without any sauce.
  • Vegetables. Like spinach, cucumbers, Brussels sprouts or lettuce are the richest in Omega 3 and 6. And the good thing is that you can mix them all in a delicious salad.
  • Fruits.Strawberries, pineapples and grapes are also an inexhaustible source of these two fatty acids. Why do not you take them in a delicious fruit salad?
  • Natural oils. There are many natural oils very rich in Omega 3 and 6 acids. Among them are sesame, hemp seed, pumpkin, soybean, wheat germ and flaxseed.
  • Nuts. Hazelnuts, almonds and walnuts are also an inexhaustible source in this fatty acid.

This article is published for informational purposes only. You can not and should not replace the consultation with a Nutritionist. We advise you to consult your trusted Nutritionist. ThemesCancer

How Omega 3 Helps Build Muscle: Increase Protein Synthesis- Thomas DeLauer (March 2024)