Recipe of Christmas Pandoro (Italy, Verona)

Within the Italian city of Verona There is a Christmas dessert that surely many of you have not had the opportunity to try. On this occasion, we refer to pandoro, a sweet that is prepared with a combination of flour, yeast and sugar.

As its name indicates, the pandoro arises after the union of the terms of "bread" Y "gold" due to the so characteristic color that acquires its mass and how much it looks like this precious metal. However, it is in it's taste Y texture where are your best arguments to taste it.

Speaking a bit about its history, it should be noted that The origins of this cake are still somewhat confusing. He was the writer and scientist Pliny the Elder who mentioned for the first time this cake made only with flour, oil or butter.

Although it was not until full era of the Renaissance when it began to spread the consumption of pandoro by those banquets and macrofiestas to those who only used to go the gentrified nobles of the time. From there, the Habsburg dynasty developed a recipe for the first time made with Viennese bread and croissant that began to distribute and consume among all the estates of the court.

Finally, the pastry and confectioner Domenico Melegatti was in charge of patenting for the first time the recipe of the pandoro back in the year 1884 in the Ministry of Agriculture and Commerce of the Kingdom of Italy. For this, he was inspired by the traditional Verona recipe that was much easier to prepare. And that's when the Italian women began to popularize the pandoro in all the dinners of poinsettia.

Pandoro recipe: ingredients and all the steps to follow

After having read all this history and curiosities of the Pandoro you have entered an urgent desire to prepare it with your own hands? If so, we're just going to ask you to pay close attention to all the steps to follow to make this Italian sweet reality:

Necessary ingredients for the pandoro:

  • 650 grams of flour
  • 300 grams of butter
  • 250 grams of sugar
  • 30 grams of yeast
  • 8 eggs
  • 100 ml of cream for cooking
  • Lemon zest
  • Glass sugar to our liking

Steps to prepare the pandoro:

  1. We start by dissolving the yeast in warm water and then add about 70 grams of flour and a spoonful of sugar. We add an egg yolk that we will work until we get a dough. Let it sit for two hours tightly covered until the yeast has its effect.
  2. After this time, add another 170 grams of flour to the bread with three egg yolks, 30 grams of butter and a couple of tablespoons of sugar. It will be necessary to knead everything again in an energetic way. Let it light again for two hours to then pour the rest of the flour, 80 grams of sugar, 40 grams of butter, 3 yolks and a whole egg.
  3. Once we get this, it will be necessary to knead the dough vigorously (giving it hits if necessary) until you get an elastic texture that does not stick to your hands. Then knead it again to add the cream to cook and another egg yolk to get a soft dough.
  4. We spread the whole mass on a smooth surface. We double it up to three times and repeat the process three times in a row. Let it sit for half an hour. After this time, we knead it again for a couple of minutes with our own hands to pass it to a confection shaped confectionery mold.

Finally, it only remains to take this mass of pandoro to an oven preheating at 190 degrees for twenty minutes. After this time, we lower the temperature to 170ยบ and we reprogram for another twenty minutes more. After this, remove this candy from the oven and sprinkle with a little glass sugar to our liking. ThemesChristmas Christmas Recipes

Italian Christmas Cake: Pandoro (March 2024)