The color of stool or poop

The stool color is important from a clinical and medical point of view, given that provides information on a wide variety of medical and health elements of the person: their food, ingestion of medicines, pathologies, organic dysfunctions or hemorrhages.

For this reason, many doctors and health specialists advise to always pay attention to the color of the poop, since in addition to disorders and pathologies, they also provide us with information about their time of permanence in the digestive tract.

It is necessary to bear in mind that The responsible for the color of the stool is bilirubin, a compound of yellowish-golden hue produced by the liver in the form of bile, which is poured into the small intestine.

Through the actions of both the intestinal flora and the PH that are concentrated in the small intestine, the bilirubin is transformed into biliverdin, which in turn turns into brown matter, tending to black.

Stool dark brown-brown

They are feces that have remained for a long time in the digestive tract, although it is a color considered to be absolutely normal, without the existence of any pathology or digestive disorder.

Greenish stools

They have passed through the intestine quite quickly, commonly due to excessive vegetable consumption, which in turn has caused a fairly rapid transit.

Stool golden-yellowish

They are those stools that have passed through the digestive tract even much faster, very common in babies whose intestine is not yet ready to absorb all the nutrients effectively.

Light colored feces

They occur when the absorption of nutrients is ineffective, so that they would have traversed the digestive tract so quickly that the bilirubin did not have time to transform into biliverdin, preventing it from completing its coloration according to the time spent in the tract digestive. It is usually quite common in case of gastroenteritis.

Color clay stools

They are stools that indicate the presence of a pathology or hepatobiliary obstruction, quite common also in case of gastritis or gastroenteritis. It also indicates a blockage of the common bile duct.

Black or very black stools

They indicate the presence of a large tar consistency, especially due to the existence of a hemorrhage of the upper digestive tract (especially small intestine and stomach).

Red stools

Like black or very black, red stools indicate the existence of hemorrhages, but in the lower gastrointestinal tract.

Image | GreenFlames09

melena - black stool per rectum (April 2024)