What are lipomas and why do they appear?

It is quite common for many people to see their doctor because they have found a small lump in the back, shoulder or neck, which tends to move when tight and most of the time does not hurt. In most cases they are about lipomas, which are more frequent than actually thought, so much so that it is quite common for them to go unnoticed for many years, either because the situation they are in makes them practically imperceptible, or because they present a rather small size. In fact, usually a lipoma tends to grow for several years before it becomes visible.

Basically They consist of benign tumors that come from fat cells. They are slow growing, usually round, movable with some ease when pressed with fingers and flattened, which they are under the skin. It is very common to be soft and pasty (or gummy), whose characteristics make it really easy for doctors to diagnose.

They are located predominantly on the back of the chest, especially the back, in addition to other areas such as shoulders or neck. They are also common in the area of ​​the lower back, and may also appear in other less common areas such as the arms or legs.

They are usually observed in adults between 40 to 60 years of age, although they can also appear in younger people or in childhood. About your size, In most cases, lipomas are small (less than one centimeter in diameter), although they can reach more than 6 centimeters in diameter. Yes, tend to be slow growing. Due to its usual characteristics, the doctor is usually able to diagnose it by feeling the firmness of the lump, its mobility and observing it.

Why do lipomas appear?

We must bear in mind that, in fact, the exact cause for which a lipoma appears is unknown. However, there are some risk factors that influence its appearance. For example, some lipomas are passed from parents to children so there is a family history of lipoma.

Yes, simple lipomas tend to be more common in women, while men are more likely to suffer lipomatosis.

On the other hand, certain medical conditions can influence equally, as for example is the case of diseases of liver or difficulty controlling blood sugar. As well overweight and obesity They are common causes of appearance.

Among other less common causes we can mention having suffered a blunt blow in the area where the lipoma later appears or a certain injury in the body.

Images | ISTOCKPHOTO / THINKSTOCK This article is published for informational purposes only. It can not and should not replace the consultation with a Physician. We advise you to consult your Trusted Doctor.

Two Lipomas Removed! Extended Cut (April 2024)