What are medical insurance?

Although in our country most citizens have a system of public health, universal and free protected by the Spanish Constitution in its Article 43, every time there is a tendency to be more people who choose to complement their own public health by contracting a health insurance private.

Thanks especially to the boom that private health insurances have been registering in recent years, motivated above all by the great growth of private healthcare, which in some Autonomous Communities even exceed the hospital beds of the public health system.

What is health or medical insurance?

A health insurance (or health insurance) consists of a contract that a certain person (known in this case as patient or client) establishes with a health insurance company, consisting of paying a certain monthly price for a health plan or policy , in exchange for the aforementioned insurer to take care of all or part of their medical expenses.

That is, it is a contract maintained between the person and the health insurance company, through which a medical and health plan is purchased, and the company must cover the medical expenses (either completely, or in a certain percentage).

This type of insurance can be enjoyed through your company (more and more companies sign agreements with medical insurers in order to offer their employees different medical services, such as the one known as annual check up), or be contracted individually.

The price differences between the different types of medical insurance that you can find currently in the market are defined especially by the characteristics of the health insurance itself, and for what the insurer would cover or not. For example, there are medical insurances that only cover the medical consultation and the medical specialist, as well as certain diagnostic tests, but do not cover the medical treatments that may be carried out after these tests.

For this reason it is very important to take into account all the conditions offered by medical insurers, their prices and their characteristics, and compare them with those offered by other companies. It is also essential to take into account what is covered and what is not, as well as if there would be a clause of minimum time of permanence (that is, period of time in which the patient must be obligatorily with the insurance company, without being able to cancel the contract) .

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