What is bronchoscopy and why is it done?

The bronchoscopy consists of a diagnostic medical test that is also known by the name of fibrobronchoscopy, which provides the possibility for the specialist to visualize the airway and observe both the larynx and the trachea to reach the largest bronchi, in addition to collecting samples of bronchial or pulmonary tissue, respiratory secretions and tissue belonging to the mediastinal lymph nodes .

This diagnostic test is performed using the bronchoscope, a tube that has a video camera at its end, and that allows to observe and visualize the inside of the respiratory tract in a monitor. In addition, it has in its interior different channels through which the medical specialist can introduce different instruments, especially to take samples of tissue (for example for the realization of biopsies).

Did you know that there are two types of bronchoscopes? On the one hand we find the flexible bronchoscope, the most frequently used since it allows the test to be performed more conveniently for the patient, only requiring local anesthesia that is applied in the area of ​​the nasal passages and pharynx. It is introduced through the patient's nose.

There is also a rigid bronchoscope, which can only be inserted through the mouth and can not reach as far as the flexible bronchoscope. In fact, for its realization it is necessary that the patient is under general anesthesia.

What is bronchoscopy? What is it?

As we indicated, bronchoscopy is an especially useful medical test to diagnose -and treat- different diseases that affect both the respiratory tract and the lungs. For this, the bronchoscope is used, a tube of variable size (depending on the age of the patient) that can be flexible or rigid.

Through the use of the bronchoscope the doctor can visualize the larynx, the trachea and the larger bronchi, in addition to offering the possibility of collecting different samples, either respiratory secretions, or lung or bronchial tissue.

There are several reasons why the pulmonologist may request bronchoscopy. The most common is the identification of different germs 'guilty' of certain lung infections, such as with pneumonia or tuberculosis, taking samples or biopsies of the respiratory or lung. In this sense it is equally useful to take samples and study the possible existence of a tumor or other lung disease.

It is also useful to identify the cause of some respiratory symptoms, such as difficulty breathing normally, chronic cough, or coughing up blood.

But it is also useful to apply various medical treatments: extract foreign bodies, aspirate secretions that prevent normal breathing, treat hemorrhages that occur in the respiratory tract, dilate areas of the airway, or treat lung cancer by radioactive substances or the To be.

How it is performed?

For the performance of this diagnostic test, the patient is usually given a medicine that is useful to relax the patient, since deep and calm breathing is fundamental for the good performance of the test, in this way the person will be drowsy and relaxed.

Then an anesthetic solution is instilled or administered in the nose and throat, in order to reduce the discomfort that may be felt and also facilitate the introduction of the bronchoscope. It is possible that at the time of this substance is given the feeling of bad taste, numbness in the throat and cough.

Once the bronchoscope is introduced, it is advanced through the pharynx until it reaches the larynx, the vocal cords, the trachea and finally the bronchi. The most common is that the local anesthesia is placed from the most external areas to reach the deepest.

It is advisable not to eat or drink anything until the effect of the anesthesia passes, in addition to spitting out the saliva and not swallowing it. This article is published for informational purposes only. It can not and should not replace the consultation with a Physician. We advise you to consult your Trusted Doctor.

Bronchoscopy (April 2024)