Why we should not reuse the oil

If I asked you if at any time you have done it, it is quite likely that you will respond positively, and surely not just one, but many. And it is a widespread habit in many Spanish houses: reuse the oil, especially when we have used it to fry food. And we usually do it with any type of oil, not only with sunflower oil, but especially with olive oil (possibly for its slightly higher price, being a habit whose basic objective is to lower the cost of our shopping basket).

Some time ago we asked ourselves the following question: Is it healthy to reheat the oil?. And in addition to remembering that it is precisely a practice not only widespread, but tremendously common in many kitchens, we discovered some of the risks of using reheated oil and that we had previously used in the frying food.

What happens when the oil is reheated?

When we use used oil (whatever it may be, it does not matter if it is sunflower or olive oil), we must take into account that by heating it the first time it has already begun its degradation process.

This means that, by reheating and reusing it, degradation increases, which results in the appearance of very harmful substances for our health. There are basically three, very harmful and dangerous for our body:

  • Free radicals: they cause damage at the cellular level. In addition, they actively participate in the aging process of our cells, increasing the risk of cancer, heart disorders and problems in the immune system. You can discover more in our article about the effects of free radicals.
  • Acrylamide: substance that is formed during heating at temperatures above 100 ° C of plant foods especially rich in their composition in sugars, and poor in proteins. Among other effects can increase the risk of cancer and is a substance toxic to the brain. Learn more about acrylamide.
  • Trans fatty acids: predispose to suffer more heart attacks and accelerate the blood coagulation process.

In addition to these substances other oxidants appear, which tend to increase the risk of the appearance of neurodegenerative diseases, and favor aging.

Health effects of reusing oil that has already been heated

If we take into account the negative effects that, in health, can cause the substances indicated in the previous section (free radicals, acrylamide and trans fatty acids), we also find more effects when the use of reheated oil is common and widespread in the time, and also its consumption is excessive.

Among other aspects, when we consume it in excess it tends to produce a fatty accumulation in the liver, a condition known as fatty liver, which increases the risk of hepatic cirrhosis Y Liver cancer.

On the other hand, it increases the risk of overweight (both overweight and obese), which is accompanied by both diabetes and high blood pressure.

So, the best option is always to use crude oils, or use them only for the first time and that at the time of cooking they never reach high or very high temperatures.

Images | Vox Efx / LFchirps This article is published for informational purposes only. You can not and should not replace the consultation with a Nutritionist. We advise you to consult your trusted Nutritionist. ThemesOil

Why We Should never Reuse Cooking oil (April 2024)