How to make a natural depilatory cream

Today there are many methods of hair removal that can be useful when it comes to getting rid of annoying hair on different parts of the body. From the cold wax to the hot wax, going through the typical and traditional razors, until you reach the most revolutionary methods of hair removal, as is the case of pulsed light hair removal devices or electric razors.

But it is also possible to shave differently. For example, opting for a homemade depilatory cream made with 100 percent natural ingredients in our own house.

In fact, in the following article we will show you how you can make your own natural depilatory cream, without spending a lot of money or time, avoiding excessive prices or a lot of time, so you can have your optimal hair removal and enjoy the most smooth and uniform teas every day.

Depilatory wax based on sugar

In addition to being completely natural and without additives, depilatory sugar wax helps us to remove hair, not to mention that it has properties that help to promote the health of our skin, apart, it is an extremely economical method and does not produce as much pain as other hair removal methods.

Ingredients for the production of depilatory wax based on sugar:

For the realization of this depilatory wax you need the use of 2 cups of sugar, 3 tablespoons of lemon juice and 3 tablespoons of water, these ingredients are usually found in the comfort of the kitchen and are not very expensive.

Preparation of depilatory wax based on sugar:

The way of preparation is quite simple and easy to make, just put the ingredients in a pot and put them to a moderately high heat, and wait for it to start boiling, stirring constantly the mixture, as soon as you notice that it starts to boil , you must lower the heat and leave a few minutes until the pasta has a desired texture.

Remember that the paste should be dense and ideal to use as a shaving wax, a way to know that this list is to see that it has a golden color and not a dark tone, make sure that the time spent boiling is no longer necessary since the sugar could get to burn, also do not let it rest in a place too cold, since it could harden too much.

This depilatory wax, in addition to being natural and beneficial to your skin, will prevent the appearance of irritation on your skin, bringing several benefits that other shaving methods will not provide, either other depilatory waxes, the use of silk thread or disposable razors, With this method you can save money, time and unforeseen by a bad waxing.

Experiment with different ingredients for different mixtures

This is only one of the many mixtures that can be made when creating a wax to be waxed, there are many other mixtures that you can experiment with, depending on whether they have the necessary properties to serve the function of depilating and also deliver benefits to your skin when using them.

For example, the use of yoghurt mixed with soy milk, wheat flour and sesame oil can be a great mix when it comes to using it for hair removal, giving your skin numerous benefits of its different components, another mixture that could be useful could be the milk with honey and lemon or also one that combines turmeric with salt, chickpea flour, water, flour, honey and coconut oil.

Given the varied natural options when performing hair removal, it can be seen that it can be much more economical and beneficial than the simple use of shaving waxes that besides being expensive, can produce pain and abuse our skin.

As you experiment with different ingredients for the natural mixtures you make, they will be increasingly effective. Experiment until you give with your ideal blend for the health, correspondence and aesthetics of your skin.