How to make an apple shake and invigorating celery

In many moments we may need an extra supply of energy, either in the morning at breakfast to start the day right, or at certain moments throughout the day in which we feel somewhat more tired or weak. For these cases it is possible to enjoy the invigorating qualities that bring an interesting diversity of fruit juices, made with 100% natural ingredients that are precisely rich in essential nutrients and that, in short, give us that extra touch of energy that we need so much.

A natural drink made with apple juice and celery can in fact become the best of the options, especially if it is a milkshake and we provide some vegetable drink since while the celery It is a low calorie vegetable with high fiber content and useful for regulating blood pressure, Apple It is a wonderful fruit to give us energy for its richness in fructose, glucose and sucrose. In addition, both ingredients stand out for their high content of vitamin C.

How to make your apple and celery shake with invigorating benefits?

Its preparation and preparation is extremely easy and simple, as well as the ingredients you need.

Ingredients needed

  • 1 apple
  • 1 celery
  • 2 glasses of vegetable drink (rice, oatmeal or almond milk)

Steps to make your vegan apple and celery shake

First of all wash both apple and celery well. Chop the celery and put it in the glass of the blender. Peel the apple, remove its heart and cut it into cubes. Add it equally to the blender glass along with your favorite vegetable drink. Beat everything well until a homogeneous mixture is formed. Ready!.

If you wish, you can sweeten it with a little brown sugar of whole cane or honey, and add a pinch of cinnamon (which, as you know, is always combined with the apple).

What are the benefits of this apple and celery shake?

There are many benefits that give you this delicious smoothie made with vegetable milk, celery and apple. We highlight the most interesting below.

  • High content of essential nutrients: for its content in celery and apple, and also in vegetable drinks made from cereals or nuts, it is a wonderful natural option to provide our body with a good amount of essential ingredients. Highlights include potassium (useful for regulating blood pressure) and calcium (essential for strong bones), as well as B vitamins and natural antioxidants (essential for controlling the negative effects of free radicals).
  • Energizing and energetic drink: consumed in the morning at breakfast, mid-morning as a snack or in the snack, this drink is an excellent way to provide energy to our body, especially in those times when we need it most.
  • Prevents and helps regulate hypertension: in case of high blood pressure it is an excellent drink because of its content in celery and apple, being very rich in potassium, helping to enjoy healthy levels of blood pressure.
  • Help control high cholesterol: in case of high cholesterol the vegan apple and celery shake is also a wonderful natural option, due to its content in celery, apple and vegetable milk.

Images | Jlhopgood / Vernon Chan TopicsSmoothie recipes