Irritable bowel with diarrhea: natural tips

The bowels they are the tubular visceral part of our digestive system. These tend to extend from the stomach to the anus, and we find them in the abdominal cavity. As you surely know, the intestines are divided into: small intestine (the longest, can reach up to 8 meters in length), and the large intestine (something smaller and thicker, can reach between 1 to 1.5 meters ).

Did you know that they are fundamental organs, not only for the waste disposal process of our organism, but also because they extract the different nutrients from all those foods that we eat every day from our diet?

The irritable bowel (also know as syndrome of irritable colon, or just like irritable colon), consists in a disorder that produces changes in the intestine and abdominal pain. It is a chronic and relapsing picture, which is definitively diagnosed when the doctor is not able to identify any other cause. For this, you need to feel your symptoms for at least 12 weeks over a year.

In regard to its most common symptoms, we can mention: abdominal swelling, gas, cramps, need to go to the bathroom after eating or getting out of bed, have the feeling of not having completed the complete evacuation, abdominal cramps , Y periods of diarrhea that alternates with periods of constipation.

Therefore, we can say that in most cases we find a irritable bowel with periods of diarrhea, which tends to alternate with periods of irritable bowel with constipation.

Natural tips for irritable bowel with diarrhea

Follow a mild astringent diet

The soft astringent diet is characterized by being a type of food suitable for delicate stomachs, which does not overload our digestive system when it is in periods of diarrhea, while recovering. The following foods stand out:

  • White rice with cooked carrots: White rice is excellent for stopping and controlling diarrhea, as well as being useful for relieving flatulence. Combined with cooked carrots, it is an ideal dish, since carrots contain beta-carotene, which help when it comes to caring for and protecting the intestinal mucosa.
  • Nonfat yogurt: it is a natural product rich in probiotics, which help in the process of regeneration of the intestinal flora.
  • Apples: highlights the roasted apple, for being a very rich fiber food.
  • Beverages or vegetable milks: vegetable milks are an ideal option not only when there is diarrhea, but as an alternative to cow's milk, not so recommended in case of irritable bowel due to its high lactose content.
  • Increase water consumption: whether constipation or diarrhea predominates. Remember that it is always advisable to try to drink between 1.5 and 2 liters of water per day.

Avoid certain foods

When irritable bowel syndrome with diarrhea occurs, it is not only essential to follow a soft diet based on the consumption of certain foods, it is also very important to know what foods may not be recommended. They are the following:

  • Foods with a high content of insoluble fiber: wheat bran and nuts stand out. Containing insoluble fiber can stimulate the intestines a lot, and cause even more diarrhea.
  • Milk and dairy products: irritate the walls of the intestinal tract for its lactose content. They highlight milks of animal origin, cheeses, whole yogurts and butter.
  • Other foods and beverages: soups of envelope, chocolate, highly spiced foods and alcoholic beverages.

Practice physical exercise regularly

Although you may not believe it, the practice of physical exercise with some regularity is useful not only when it comes to enjoying good health, but also when it comes to taking care of your intestines, especially when irritable bowel syndrome exists. How? Very simple: when practicing exercise you help the bowel movements to be much more fluid, so that you will avoid the irritation in your colon.

You can choose to run or walk, preferably every day for at least 30 minutes.

Natural remedy of rice water

The one known as rice water It is one of the most traditional natural remedies that exist, especially in the treatment and relief of diarrhea, resulting in this very useful occasion.

To prepare it you need half a cup of white rice and 4 glasses of water. In a saucepan add the 4 glasses of water, and bring to a boil. When the water starts to boil add half a cup of rice. Boil on low heat for 20 minutes. Then extinguish the fire, strain and reserve the water that has been left of the cooking to take it.

You can drink 2 to 3 cups of rice water a day, until the diarrhea is cut or relieved.

Images | Chris RubberDragon / mario / Raúl González This article is published for informational purposes only.It can not and should not replace the consultation with a Physician. We advise you to consult your Trusted Doctor. ThemesColon Gastrointestinal disorders

Natural At-Home Remedies : How to Naturally Treat Irritable Bowel Syndrome (March 2024)