Initiative #Cafespendientes or Cafes Pending

Surely in the previous months you will have had news or various information related to the outstanding coffees in your social networks. And the truth is that after seeing them around the world, this very interesting initiative has arrived in Spain.

The initiative #Cafespendientes was born for the first time in Italy, specifically in Naples (receiving the name of Caffe Sospenso), consisting of a type of charity in which people paid coffee in advance to someone who could not afford to have a cup of hot coffee. And besides a cup of coffee, these people also left food.

Luckily, this interesting initiative has left Italy to reach more countries, extending to many cities around the world.

What is Pending Coffee?

It consists of an initiative that invites to carry out a solidary action, based on trust and absolutely non-profit: paying a cup of coffee in advance to someone who does not have the resources to buy it, and therefore can not take it.

How does Pending Coffee Works?

In the first place, bars and other related places are invited to join the initiative, explaining the basic operation of the initiative.

Then, each hosted establishment will have an identification badge that can be printed and downloaded from the Web page, thus allowing its customers to recognize that location as adhering to the initiative.

If I'm a local, how can I join?

It is as simple as contacting the person in charge of the initiative in Spain and coordinating for the delivery of identification materials, which can be downloaded directly from the website.

Gastronomic venues of all kinds can participate; In short, all those who want to join the initiative.

You have more information on the official website of Cafés Pendientes in Spain.

Image | anthony_p_c

From Intention to Initiative - WHY You Do What You Do (March 2024)