Nietzsche and the ability to be happy through suffering
"Those men that ultimately interest me, are those that I wish you suffer, abandonment, illness, abuse, contempt. I also wish you not to ignore the deep contempt of yourselves, the martyrdom of self-distrust, the misery of the vanquished; and I have no compassion for them, because I wish them what reveals the value of a man: hold them firmly! "
This is one of the most profound quotes that can be found in the book "The will of Power ", written by Nietzsche, one of the most influential German philosophers of the nineteenth century.
But who in their right mind could wish so many hardships to the people they love? Who could be so glad about the misfortunes of others? If you are thinking this, we tell you that you are moving away much from what Nietzsche really wanted to say.
Through this quote, this German thinker argued that through suffering one can also be happy. Through the problems and adversities that are presented to us throughout our lives, we will have the possibility of leaving the most reinforced with the aim of knowing later what are our strong points as a person.
Life is like a mountain that we have to climb every day
Nietzsche thought that life was like one of those mountains in the Alps that surrounded the village where he lived. I had the complete certainty that the best was at the end, at the peak of those high peaks where you could enjoy magnificent views with hundreds of snowy mountain ranges around you.
But as many of you know, the top of the mountains are usually thousands of meters high. Therefore, I'm sure that in the process of uploading them we will get tired. Our legs will run out of energy. And our lungs without air. In short, sure sooner or later suffer a physical and mental degaste where a little voice will tell us that "Throw the towel."
But all that effort will have its more than just reward. When we are in the "top of the world" enjoying a place without equal, we will realize that all that effort will have been worth it. And it will be at that moment when a feeling of absolute happiness and well-being will run through our entire body.
What does not kill us makes us stronger
This German philosopher firmly believed in the idea that "what does not kill us, makes us stronger. " We live in a society where we practically complain about everything. We think that the world is coming to us before the smallest and daily problems.
However, sometimes we do not realize that there will always be people who are going through much harder processes. For adversities that are much more serious as diseases of their loved ones or the possibility of losing their job.
In one way or another, many people take advantage of these situations to test themselves. They use these adversities to test themselves as people and realize at the same time what they are capable of doing. The good thing about this "philosophy of life" (if it can be called that) is that they will make us grow before the adverse moments. It will be there where we can investigate within our being and know with great detail what our strengths as people are.
But as we have explained, this will not be an easy process. There will be instants that we fall again and again. We will hurt each time we kneel on the ground. But it's no use cursing everything that happens to bad luck. We own our acts. And it only depends on us to leave the puddle where we have lied to get out much more reinforced as people. And it is in our hands is not to daunt to that pronounced mountain ridge called LIFE. This article is published for informational purposes only. It can not and should not replace the consultation with a Psychologist. We advise you to consult your trusted Psychologist.