Successful people who triumphed at an advanced age

Success has always been associated at an early age. However, this does not always have to be the case. In fact, throughout history there have been both men and women who have tasted the honeys of success with many years behind them.

And therefore, from NatureVia it seemed right to make a selection of all of them and show that it is never too late to fulfill our goals and dreams, regardless of how old we are.

Walt Disney

Walt Disney He began to show satisfaction with drawings and animation from a very early age. However, the beginnings were not easy for this artist. He started working in a local newspaper but soon after was fired by the director. He considered Walt as a person without "Originality and lack of ideas".

In fact, fortune did not accompany this American scriptwriter and filmmaker until a very advanced age. It was thanks to his story of Snow White that he began to reap a multitude of hits around the world.

After this, he set up his own studio where he began to have new ideas of the most charismatic characters. Its maximum exponent was just Mickey Mouse, a nice mouse that was born in 1928 and since then has become one of the most relevant symbols in this study.

Marie Curie

Women have also left their mark within the sphere of the world of science, earning all the respect and admiration of the entire international community.

Among all of them, it stands out above all Marie Curie. She was the first woman in history to receive a Nobel Prize in the field of Physics and Chemistry in 1903 together with the scientist Henri Becquerel with 33 years behind her.

And is that their studies on radiation are still very effective today. Thanks to the research of this Polish scientist, it was possible to know how radial waves act in our body with the aim of treating numerous conditions such as cancer.

It was also she who discovered the element of polonium, name that was just given in commemoration of the country to the country that saw Marie Curie born.

Steve Jobs

Anyone with a minimum knowledge of computer science and technology should know Steve Jobs. The founder of Apple also knew what is the failure in many periods of his life. Surely at this time most people would have thrown in the towel. However, our beloved Steve pulled strength of weakness even in the moments where it seemed all lost.

However, with the passage of time, the company of Apple became one of the most prosperous of the 90s billing in its time more than two billion dollars in profits. His greatest moment was when he launched the first i-Phone back in 2007, a product that catapulted this company exponentially.

Coco Chanel

We want to close this list to tell you about another most successful woman. And this time we are referring to Coco Chanel, one of the most prestigious and innovative designers in the world of fashion. Although she had to deal with a most macho society during the first decades of the twentieth century, this French stylist had no qualms about moving away a bit from the canons of beauty of that time.

He realized that many women of that time wanted to feel comfortable without this supposed to renounce elegance and good taste. So much so, that Coco Chanel took hundreds of men's clothes like jeans or T-shirts and adapted them completely to the women's wardrobe, achieving great sales success. For posterity there will be a photo of Coco with a pair of black jeans and a sailor-style shirt.