Foods rich in soluble fibers
The Dietary fiber it's divided in soluble and non-soluble fibers, so that their benefits and nutritional properties vary depending on whether the food we consume is rich in one or another variety.
To a large extent the different foods rich in fiber They are especially beneficial to avoid or reduce constipation. But its virtues do not end here, since they also help prevent colon and breast cancer, hemorrhoids, diverticulitis and reduces high levels of LDL cholesterol and total cholesterol.
In the case of Soluble fiber, this is characterized by being formed by components that capture a lot of water and are able to form gels certainly viscous, being very fermentable in the intestine, producing large amount of gases.
Therefore, this type of fiber increases the volume of stool, decreasing its consistency. In addition, it prolongs the emptying time of the stomach, so that the sugar is released and absorbed more slowly.
Among its most important benefits, therefore, we find that it is a useful type of fiber when it comes to regulating the level of blood sugar (beneficial for diabetics), and reduces total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol.
Table of foods rich in soluble fiber
- Cereals: oatmeal, oat bran and barley.
- Seeds: flax seeds, flax seeds.
- Vegetables: peas and dry beans.
- Fruits: oranges, apples, mango, plum.
- Vegetables and tubers: carrots, cucumber, leek.
- Nuts: orejon
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